2017-07-21 78 views

我們正在將Azure SQL數據庫移動到Azure虛擬機上的SQL Server 2014。我創建了Azure SQL數據庫的bacpac文件。SQL Server - 將Azure SQL數據庫的bacpac文件導入到虛擬機上的SQL Server 2014

在試圖將BACPAC導入到虛擬機上的SQL Server中,我遇到了以下錯誤:

Could not import package. Warning SQL0: A project which specifies Microsoft Azure SQL Database v12 as the target platform may experience compatibility issues with SQL Server 2014. Warning SQL72012: The object [NegativeMedia_Prod_Data] exists in the target, but it will not be dropped even though you selected the 'Generate drop statements for objects that are in the target database but that are not in the source' check box. Warning SQL72012: The object [NegativeMedia_Prod_Log] exists in the target, but it will not be dropped even though you selected the 'Generate drop statements for objects that are in the target database but that are not in the source' check box. Error SQL72014: .Net SqlClient Data Provider: Msg 7738, Level 16, State 2, Line 1 Cannot enable compression for object 'Captures'. Only SQL Server Enterprise Edition supports compression.


  1. 在虛擬機上升級SQL Server - 基於我們現有數據的事實,對我有點可怕。升級過程有些簡單嗎?基於此:https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/database-engine/install-windows/upgrade-sql-server它確實看起來像任何東西,但直截了當。

  2. 找出一個解決方法來將此數據庫導入到SQL Server 2014中。就壓縮部分而言,我可以在Azure SQL數據庫中關閉該部分並重新創建bacpac文件。剩下的錯誤信息就是我需要「解決」的問題,但我不完全理解它的含義。




從SQL Server 2014升級到SQL Server 2016是一個快速而無痛的過程。這當然有很長的路要走。我已升級並已成功導入bacpac文件。
