* Renders the MessageHistory List based on the search text and processed events
public class MessageListRenderer extends DefaultListCellRenderer
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
String lineCountWidth = Integer.toString(Integer.toString(m_MaxLineCount).length());
public Component getListCellRendererComponent(JList l, Object value, int index, boolean isSelected, boolean haveFocus)
JLabel retVal = (JLabel)super.getListCellRendererComponent(l, value, index, isSelected, haveFocus);
retVal.setText(formatListBoxOutput((String)value, index));
// initial rendering is beginning - change the cursor
if ((renderCounter == 0) && !renderCursorIsWait)
renderCursorIsWait = true;
// initial rendering is complete - change the cursor back
if ((renderCounter > (l.getModel().getSize() - 20)) && renderCursorIsWait)
renderCursorIsWait = false;
return retVal;
* Adds font tags (marks as red) around all values which match the search criteria
* @param lineValue string to search in
* @param lineIndex line number being processed
* @return string containing the markup
private String formatListBoxOutput(String lineValue, int lineIndex)
// Theoretically the count should never be zero or less, but this will avoid an exception just in case
if (m_MaxLineCount <= 0)
return lineValue;
String formattedLineNumber = String.format("%" + Integer.toString(Integer.toString(m_MaxLineCount).length()) + "s", m_CurrentPage.getStartLineNumber() + lineIndex) + ": ";
// We're not searching, simply return the line plus the added line number
if((m_lastSearchText == null) || m_lastSearchText.isEmpty())
return "<html><font color=\"#4682B4\">" + formattedLineNumber.replaceAll(" ", " ") + "</font>" + lineValue + "</html>";
// break up the search string by the search value in case there are multiple entries
String outText = "";
String[] listValues = lineValue.split(m_lastSearchText);
if(listValues.length > 1)
// HTML gets rid of the preceding whitespace, so change it to the HTML code
outText = "<html><font color=\"#4682B4\">" + formattedLineNumber.replaceAll(" ", " ") + "</font>";
for(int i = 0; i < listValues.length; i++)
outText += listValues[i];
if(i + 1 < listValues.length)
outText += "<font color=\"red\">" + m_lastSearchText + "</font>";
return outText + "</html>";
return "<html><font color=\"#4682B4\">" + formattedLineNumber.replaceAll(" ", " ") + "</font>" + lineValue + "</html>";
// reset the rendering counter
this.renderCounter = 0;
// Reset the message history and add all new values
for (int i = 0; i < this.m_CurrentPage.getLines().size(); i++)
你能否提供更多的代碼? – StanislavL
添加了更多代碼,但我不確定它是否有助於解決問題。我正在尋找的是一種確定組件是否已完成初始渲染而不實施計數器的方法。 – JoshBramlett
從來沒有(如:不不不不不,乾脆不要)在渲染改變調用列表的狀態。 getXXRendererComponent中給出的所有參數都是嚴格只讀的。別的地方移動你的邏輯@trashgod已經建議 – kleopatra