2016-12-23 30 views

我有一個一對多的數據庫(問題--- >>按鈕) 我被困在這裏,因爲我不知道如何進行這個訪問從我的按鈕數據庫:訪問一個到多個CoreData的謂詞


func presentQuestionDetails(questionID :Int) { 

     let coreDataStack = CoreDataStack() 
     managedObjectContext = coreDataStack.persistentContainer.viewContext 

     let fetchRequest: NSFetchRequest<Questions> = Questions.fetchRequest() 

     let myPredicate = NSPredicate(format: "%K == %i", "questionID", questionID) 
     fetchRequest.predicate = myPredicate 

     do { 
      let results = try managedObjectContext!.fetch(fetchRequest) 

      if results.isEmpty { 


      else { 
       let question = results[0] 

       //do something 
       print("got something") 
       questionLabel.text = question.questionTitle 

       for _ in 0..<(question.buttons?.count)! { 

        //I'D LIKE TO LOOP THROUGH MY BUTTONS HERE AND ACCESS MY "buttonTitle" i.e print(buttons.buttonTitle!) 



     } catch { 
      // Replace this implementation with code to handle the error appropriately. 
      // fatalError() causes the application to generate a crash log and terminate. You should not use this function in a shipping application, although it may be useful during development. 
      let nserror = error as NSError 
      fatalError("Unresolved error \(nserror), \(nserror.userInfo)") 




這是正確的方法嗎?我只是猜測,並希望你的意見。 這似乎提供正確的結果,但我不知道這是做正確的方式...



else { 
       let question = results[0] 

      //do something 
      print("got something") 
      questionLabel.text = question.questionTitle 

       let fetchRequest: NSFetchRequest<Buttons> = Buttons.fetchRequest() 
       let myPredicate = NSPredicate(format: "%K == %i", "questions", questionID) 
       fetchRequest.predicate = myPredicate 

       do { 
        let results = try managedObjectContext!.fetch(fetchRequest) 

        for buttons in results { 


       catch { 
        let nserror = error as NSError 
        fatalError("Unresolved error \(nserror), \(nserror.userInfo)") 
