我已經更新了你的重新定義的getter/setter中的Object.prototype .__手錶, 也是目前處理程序需要返回新值。
//Got this great piece of code from https://gist.github.com/384583
Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, "__watch", {
enumerable: false,
configurable: true,
writable: false,
value: function(prop, handler) {
var val = this[prop],
getter = function() {
return val;
setter = function(newval) {
val = newval;
handler.call(this, prop, newval);
return newval;
if (delete this[prop]) { // can't watch constants
Object.defineProperty(this, prop, {
get: getter,
set: setter,
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
var Controller = function() {
//The property is changed whenever the dom element changes value
//TODO add a callback ?
this._bind = function (DOMelement, propertyName) {
//The next line is commented because priority is given to the model
//this[propertyName] = $(DOMelement).val();
var _ctrl = this;
$(DOMelement).on("change input propertyChange", function(e) {
_ctrl[propertyName] = DOMelement.val();
//The dom element changes values when the propertyName is setted
this._watch = function(DOMelement, propertyName) {
//__watch triggers when the property changes
this.__watch(propertyName, function(property, value) {
var ctrl = new Controller();
ctrl.secret = 'null';
ctrl._bind($('#text1'), 'secret'); // I want the model to reflect changes in #text1
ctrl._watch($('#text2'), 'secret'); // I want the dom element #text2 to reflect changes in the model
$('#button1').click(function() {
$('#output').html('Secret is : ' + ctrl.secret); //This gives problems
value: <input type="text" id="text1" /><br />
copy: <input type="text" id="text2" /><br />
<input type="button" id="button1" value="View value"><br />
<span id="output"></span>
+1純JS) – metadings 2012-08-10 15:16:46
IST $指的是jQuery的?所以它不是普通的JS huh – daslicht 2014-09-02 15:56:04
[如何在JavaScript中實現DOM數據綁定]可能的重複(http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16483560/how-to-implement-dom-data-binding-in-javascript) – Beginner 2015-12-29 14:50:29