2013-05-17 20 views

首先,這可能會有點長。 我正在嘗試使用javascript製作RPG文字遊戲。來自javascript的換行符/樣式文本?


<!DOCTYPE html> 
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="story_css.css"> 
<div class="container"> 
<script src="story_js.js"></script> 



var ATTACK = 0; 
var STRENGTH = 0; 
var DEFENSE = 0; 
var RANGED = 0; 
var MAGIC = 0; 
var AGILITY= 0; 
var HEALTH = 0; 
var CLASS = prompt("Choose a class (class only effects starting stats, but all classes can learn the same abilities at the same rate):Warrior, Mage, Theif, Archer.").toUpperCase(); 
switch (CLASS){ 
    case "WARRIOR": 
     ATTACK = 16; 
     STRENGTH = 18; 
     DEFENSE = 17; 
     RANGED = 2; 
     MAGIC = 2; 
     AGILITY = 5; 
     HEALTH = 200; 

    case "ARCHER": 
     ATTACK = 6; 
     STRENGTH = 5; 
     DEFENSE = 11; 
     RANGED = 20; 
     MAGIC = 3; 
     AGILITY = 15; 
     HEALTH = 175; 

document.write("These are the levels for each of your characters skills. You may write these down and keep track of them, but the game will automatically record your progress for you. However, you will not be able to see your levels until you type a command that asks for them, or if you require a certain level to complete a task.") 
var NAME = prompt("Enter your name:"); 

confirm("You are about to embark on an epic quest... so, " + NAME + " are you ready to begin?"); 

document.write("It is the year 3355, according to the Delil calendar, and you awake from your night's sleep. Today is a special day. It is your 18th birthday! In your small village of Shadowhollow, you are one of the 23 people who live there. But as of today, you are one of the villages men."); 



你應該切換到的使用['.innerHTML'](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/DOM/element.innerHTML)代替'文件.WRITE()'。 – Sirko


[createElement](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/document.createElement?redirectlocale=en-US&redirectslug=DOM%2Fdocument.createElement)同樣也是建議的 – sabithpocker


停止使用'document .WRITE()'!你不會對它感到滿意,因爲它不會做你認爲它的做法。最重要的是它會覆蓋整個頁面的內容,刪除所有內容,包括正在運行的腳本。 – RoToRa


document.write("<h2>A sample heading</h2>\ 
<p>These are the levels for each of your characters skills.\ 
You may write these down and keep track of them, but the game will automatically record your progress for you.\ 
However, you will not be able to see your levels until you type a command that asks for them, \ 
or if you require a certain level to complete a task.</p>"); 
var NAME = prompt("Enter your name:"); 

confirm("You are about to embark on an epic quest... so, " + NAME + " are you ready to begin?"); 

document.write("<h2>A sample heading</h2>\ 
<p>It is the year 3355, according to the Delil calendar, and you awake from your night's sleep. \ 
Today is a special day. It is your 18th birthday! In your small village of Shadowhollow, you are one of the 23 people who live there. \ 
But as of today, you are one of the villages men.</p>"); 





另外,document.write方法已被棄用,不建議,如果 你是認真對待您的編程。你必須求助於更好的 DOM操作方法,如document.createElementappendChild 等,以動態創建文檔。

Dynamically create a HTML form with Javascript


