我正在使用節點的加密簽名爲一個項目,並一直試圖考慮各種算法的起伏。 crypto.createSign()
openssl list-public-key-algorithms
不幸的是,「RSA-SHA256」不是輸出值openssl list-public-key-algorithms
OpenSSL list result:
Name: OpenSSL RSA method
Type: Builtin Algorithm
OID: rsaEncryption
PEM string: RSA
Name: rsa
Type: Alias to rsaEncryption
Name: OpenSSL PKCS#3 DH method
Type: Builtin Algorithm
OID: dhKeyAgreement
PEM string: DH
Name: dsaWithSHA
Type: Alias to dsaEncryption
Name: dsaEncryption-old
Type: Alias to dsaEncryption
Name: dsaWithSHA1-old
Type: Alias to dsaEncryption
Name: dsaWithSHA1
Type: Alias to dsaEncryption
Name: OpenSSL DSA method
Type: Builtin Algorithm
OID: dsaEncryption
PEM string: DSA
Name: OpenSSL EC algorithm
Type: Builtin Algorithm
OID: id-ecPublicKey
PEM string: EC
Name: OpenSSL HMAC method
Type: Builtin Algorithm
OID: hmac
PEM string: HMAC
Name: OpenSSL CMAC method
Type: Builtin Algorithm
OID: cmac
PEM string: CMAC