我正在開發一個簡單的irc bot在php中。 上面的一半是IRC bot從頭開始的一個實現(連接套接字...等) 我想添加的功能是「計劃通知」 當具體時間到了時,會發送一些消息。無法在PHP中發送預定的消息IRC-BOT
例如, 時間Tue Apr 19 16:32
因此,如果你設置了類似(date("D") == "Tue" && date("H") == 15)
, 的東西,這應該會持續發送消息,直到16:00到來。
// Time zone setting
// Our bot's configuration parameters.
$server = '';
$port = 6667;
$nickname = 'Bot';
$ident = 'Bot';
$gecos = 'Bot v1.0';
$channel = '#bot-test';
// Connect to the network
$socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP);
$error = socket_connect($socket, $server, $port);
// Add some error handling in case connection was not successful.
if ($socket === false){
$errorCode = socket_last_error();
$errorString = socket_strerror($errorCode);
die("Error $errorCode: $errorString \n");
// Send the registration info.
socket_write($socket, "NICK $nickname\r\n");
socket_write($socket, "USER $ident * 8 :$gecos\r\n");
// Finally, loop until the socket closes.
while (is_resource($socket)) {
// Fetch the data from the socket
$data = trim(socket_read($socket, 1024, PHP_NORMAL_READ));
echo $data . "\n";
// Splitting the data into chunks
$d = explode(' ', $data);
// Padding the array avoids ugly undefined offset erros.
$d = array_pad ($d, 10, '');
// Our ping handler.
// Ping: $servername.
if ($d[0] === 'PING') {
socket_write($socket, 'PONG ' . $d[1] . "\r\n");
if ($d[1] === '376' || $d[1] === '422') {
socket_write($socket, 'JOIN ' . $channel . "\r\n");
// Bot collections
// "$d" parameter format
// [0] [1] [2] [3]
// :[email protected] PRIVMSG #bot-test :@arukas.
// Scheduler bot
if (date("D") == "Tue" && date("H") == 15) {
$saying = "REALLY SLEEPY!!";
socket_write($socket, 'PRIVMSG ' . "CIRC1989" . " :$saying\r\n");
注意timeout_until_next_event要高,你真的想擺脫(儘可能多秒爲一個時鐘嘀噠爲您安排的事件,真的)。在while循環中循環太長,選擇超時時間過低可能會導致CPU使用率過高。 – braindigitalis