2013-09-26 196 views



if($user_data['permissions'] >= 1) 
    // If users permission is 1 or 2 they get a field for inputting the index # and a button to change the approve field from 0 to 1 may need to make a new field to record who approved it.... 

    //Determine if the order is already approved. If not approved show index field and allow user to approve it with index number 
    if($data2[0]['Approved'] == 1) 
     echo " <font color=\"green\"> Approved"; 
    else if($data2[0]['Approved'] == 0) 
     echo " Not Approved. Supply an index number and click approve to authorize this order to be completed."; 

     if (empty ($_GET) === false) 
      $required_fields = array('IndexNum'); 
      foreach ($_GET as $key=>$value) 
       if (empty($value) && in_array($key, $required_fields) === true) 
       $errors[] = 'Fields marked with an asterisk are required'; 
       break 1; 

      if (isset($_GET['success']) === true && empty($_GET['success']) === true) 
       echo 'Index has been updated and Order is now set to Approved'; 
       if (empty($errors) === true) 
        $vendorid1= $_GET['hidden1']; 

        update_approved($approvedby, $indexnum, $vendorid1); 
        header('Location: index.php'); 
       else if(empty($errors) === false) 
        echo output_errors($errors); 

     <form name="approveform" method="GET" action=""> 
     <input type="hidden" name="hidden1" value="<?php echo $id;?>">" 
     Index Number*: <input type="text" name="IndexNum">&nbsp; 
     <input type="submit" value="Approve" action=""> 

<?php }  

if($user_data['permissions'] == 2) 
    // If user is permission 2 they can have a button to say shipped... Do I need to record who shipped it? for now nah. Would be nice to input a data of arrival though. I will think on it .... pretty lazy 
    if($data2[0]['Approved'] == 1) 
    echo "<br/>"; 
    echo "Confirm order has been ordered"; 


     echo $vendorid1; 
     //header('Location: index.php'); 

    <form name="approveform" method="GET" action=""> 
    <input type="hidden" name="hidden1" value="<?php echo $id;?>"> 
    <input type="submit" name="Ordered" value="Ordered" action=""> 



代碼。當我點擊提交按鈕時,else if($ data [0] ['Approved'] == 0)中的代碼會激活而不是代碼isset。批准設置爲1,所以我不知道爲什麼該代碼運行.....


Array ([0] => Array ([VendorName] => Newegg [DateRequested] => 2013-09-25 
[DateNeeded] => 0000-00-00 [Shipping] => Standard [VendorNumber] => 123123 
[VendorFax] => NA [VendorAddress] => 1 ave new [VendorCity] => socorro 
[VendorState] => nm [VendorZip] => 87114 [EquipmentConsumable] => Consumable 
[GasType] => propane [GasLocation] => United States [UNMTag] => 0 
[EquipmentLocation] => [index] => 414141 [totalcost] => 129.88 
[Approved] => 1 [Shipped] => 0)) 

顯示print_r的輸出($數據2)。 –


數組([0] =>數組([VendorName] => Newegg [DateRequested] => 2013-09-25 [DateNeeded] =>標準[VendorNumber] => 123123 [VendorFax ] =>不適用[VendorAddress] => 1 ave new [VendorCity] => socorro [VendorState] => nm [VendorZip] => 87114 [EquipmentConsumable] =>消耗品[GasType] =>丙烷[GasLocation] => UNMTag] => 0 [EquipmentLocation] => [index] => 414141 [totalcost] => 129.88 [Approved] => 1 [Shipped] => 0)) – HELPMEPLEASE


你有什麼是邏輯錯誤。通過你的代碼調試每個條件和任務,你會得到你的答案。沒有理由讓別人爲你做。 –





if(empty($_GET) === FALSE)if(!empty($_GET))
if(empty($_GET) === TRUE)if(empty($_GET))


由於您正在使用$ _GET,請確保您每次傳遞所需的所有變量都在url中。由於表單元素只能傳遞嵌套的輸入元素,因此提交後可能需要傳遞更多隱藏信息。另外,您應該將文件名稱放在action=""中,或者從表單標記中省略它。


或只是(空($ _ get)) – Snowburnt


雖然這固定它,但似乎並沒有。所以它對===做的是顯示正確的信息,但現在如果我使用提交按鈕,它不處理信息只是返回頁面。 現在,在添加===之前,Approveform用於這兩個函數。現在這兩種形式都只是在提交時進入空白頁面。 – HELPMEPLEASE


嗯,它縮小了。 @Snowburnt我其實是在談論使用整數的第一個條件。 – Jason



              You have an extra " 
                  right here 
    <input type="hidden" name="hidden1" value="<?php echo $id;?>">" 
    Index Number*: <input type="text" name="IndexNum">&nbsp; 
    <input type="submit" value="Approve" action=""> 

哎呀謝謝!沒有看到。 – HELPMEPLEASE