2016-12-02 31 views

我是新來的messagepack,我試圖在perl中使用散列,使用messagepack將其序列化,將其寫入文件,並將其傳遞給讀取和反序列化文件的C++代碼進入地圖。MessagePack Perl到C++反序列化

我的Perl代碼來生成文件(注意 - 我增加了一個額外的部分來檢查,我可以讀取文件回,並在Perl正確的反序列化,但我並不真的需要做到這一點):

#! perl 

use strict; 
use warnings; 

use Data::MessagePack; 

my %hTestHash = ('AAAAAA' => '20020101', 
       'BBBBBB' => '20030907'); 

my $packed = Data::MessagePack->pack(\%hTestHash); 

open my $fh, '>', 'splodge.bin' or die "Failed to open slodge.bin for write: $!"; 
print $fh $packed; 
close $fh; 

open my $fh2, '<', 'splodge.bin' or die "Failed to open slodge.bin for read: $!"; 
local $/; 
my $file = <$fh2>; 

my $hrTest = Data::MessagePack->unpack($file); 


#include "msgpack.hpp" 
#include <string> 
#include <iostream> 
#include <sstream> 
#include <fstream> 

int main(void) 
    // Deserialize the serialized data. 
    std::ifstream ifs("splodge.bin", std::ifstream::in); 
    std::stringstream buffer; 
    buffer << ifs.rdbuf(); 
    msgpack::unpacked upd; 
    msgpack::unpack(&upd, buffer.str().data(), buffer.str().size()); 
    msgpack::object obj = upd.get(); 
    std::map<std::string, std::string> output_map; 
    msgpack::convert(output_map, obj); 

    string date = output_map.at("AAAAAA"); 

    return 0; 

這產生​​一個2元素圖,但它僅包含無用值 - 我的程序崩潰出來output_map.at()

{"▒▒▒▒▒▒"=>"▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒", "▒▒▒▒▒▒"=>"▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒"} 
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::out_of_range' 
    what(): map::at 

我一直無法找到這個特定用例的任何例子,並努力查看出了什麼問題 - 這是序列化結束時的問題還是(更可能)在反序列化結束?



@SinanÜnür感謝,看到我上面編輯 – rbennett485


@SinanÜnür,所以這個相同的代碼爲你工作正常,並在C++中生成一個地圖? – rbennett485


''''和''''應該是'':raw''和''<:raw'',特別是如果你在Windows機器上。同樣,C++程序應該將流設置爲二進制。 – ikegami




運作代碼(反序列化結構成Map<string, msgpack::object>,要求反序列化在需要時每個值的一個額外的步驟)爲:

#include "msgpack.hpp" 
#include "map.h" 
#include <string> 
#include <iostream> 
#include <fstream> 

void unpack_map(const msgpack::object& o, Map<string,msgpack::object>& results){ 
    ASSERT(o.type == msgpack::type::MAP); 
    for (msgpack::object_kv *p = o.via.map.ptr, *pend = (o.via.map.ptr + o.via.map.size); p != pend; ++p) 
    results[p->key.as<string>()] = p->val; 

int main(void) 
    streampos size; 
    char * memblock; 

    ifstream file ("splodge.bin", ios::in|ios::binary|ios::ate); 
    if (file.is_open()) 
     size = file.tellg(); 
     memblock = new char [size]; 
     file.seekg (0, ios::beg); 
     file.read (memblock, size); 

     cout << "the entire file content is in memory"; 
    else cout << "Unable to open file"; 

    msgpack::unpacked upd; 
    msgpack::unpack(&upd, memblock, size); 
    msgpack::object obj = upd.get(); 

    if(obj.type != msgpack::type::MAP) { 
    cout << ":(" << endl; 
    } else { 
    cout << ":)" << endl; 
    cout << "size: " << obj.via.map.size << endl; 

    Map<string, msgpack::object> objectMap; 
    unpack_map(obj, objectMap); 

    msgpack::object val = objectMap["BBBBBB"]; 
    string tmp = string(val.via.raw.ptr, val.via.raw.size); 

    delete[] memblock; 
    return 0; 
