已經安裝和重新安裝Genymotion和VB幾次,現在他們兩個的最新版本。 當我嘗試啓動genymotion失敗並留下在日誌跡:無法啓動Genymotion由於網絡適配器
[debug] [VBox] [findHostOnlyInterface] Looking for compatible host-only interface
[debug] [VBox] Call: ("list", "hostonlyifs")
[debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
[warning] [VBox] [getSavedHostOnlyInterface] Checking "VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter" interface status ( QHostAddress("") )
[debug] [VBox] Empty interface name
[debug] [VBox] [createHostOnlyInterface] Creating new host-only interface
[debug] [VBox] Call: ("hostonlyif", "create")
[debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
[debug] [VBox] [createHostOnlyInterface] Interface "VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter #2" created with success
不知道爲什麼它不喜歡現有的一個什麼Empty interface name
手段。然後它嘗試啓動一個新的,但因爲默認情況下它有一個0.0.0.0 IP失敗。
[critical] [VBox] [createHostOnlyInterface] "VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter #2" configuration is not valid. Subnet: "0.0.0" . Mask: ""
[debug] [VBox] [deleteHostOnlyInterface] Deleting "VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter #2" host-only interface
[debug] [VBox] Call: ("hostonlyif", "remove", "VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter #2")
[debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
[debug] [VBox] erase host.only.interface
[critical] [VBox] "Fail to load vboxmanage plugin from C:/Program Files/Genymobile/Genymotion/plugins/"
[critical] VM Engine failed to load, state 4
[critical] Unable to find VM Engine. Plugin loading aborted.
[debug] [LogCollector] VM engine not available
這一切看起來像是VB和Genymotion之間的衝突。但不知道如何解決它。 已經嘗試過不同版本的VB橋接驅動程序,清理註冊表並重新安裝它們。沒有運氣。 有沒有辦法獲得更詳細的調試,然後在消瘦?真正感興趣的是爲什麼默認網絡接口不適合VB。
[debug] [VBox] Path from registry: "C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe"
[debug] [VBox] Path: "C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe"
[debug] [VBox] Call: ("list", "hostinfo")
[debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
[debug] [VBox] [System properties] Online physical CPU number: 4
[debug] [VBox] [System properties] Online virtual CPU number: 2
[debug] [VBox] [System properties] Max CPU number: 8
[debug] [VBox] [System properties] Max memory size: 16320
[debug] [VBox] get "" from host.only.interface
[debug] [VBox] [findHostOnlyInterface] Looking for compatible host-only interface
[debug] [VBox] Call: ("list", "hostonlyifs")
[debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
[debug] [VBox] Empty interface name
[debug] [VBox] [createHostOnlyInterface] Creating new host-only interface
[debug] [VBox] Call: ("hostonlyif", "create")
[debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
[debug] [VBox] [createHostOnlyInterface] Interface "VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter" created with success
[critical] [VBox] [createHostOnlyInterface] "VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter" configuration is not valid. Subnet: "0.0.0" . Mask: ""
[debug] [VBox] [deleteHostOnlyInterface] Deleting "VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter" host-only interface
[debug] [VBox] Call: ("hostonlyif", "remove", "VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter")
[debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
[debug] [VBox] erase host.only.interface
[critical] [VBox] "Fail to load vboxmanage plugin from C:/Program Files/Genymobile/Genymotion/plugins/"
[critical] VM Engine failed to load, state 4
[critical] Unable to find VM Engine. Plugin loading aborted.
[Genymotion] [warning] [VBox] [getSavedHostOnlyInterface] Checking "VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter" interface status ( QHostAddress("") )
幹得好,漂亮!https://github.com/nmap/nmap/issues –
請在GitHub上將此情況報告給Npcap的問題。順便說一句普通的Debian運行所提供的配置確定。 – hsluoyz
說不上來,如果它是一個Npcap問題,雖然Genymotion團隊已經瞭解的是: –