我正在終端中運行Matlab代碼,因爲稍後我需要在php中調用此代碼。但是我得到這些錯誤:MATLAB ::在-nojvm啓動選項下不再支持此功能
[email protected]:~/Desktop/v1.2$ matlab -nojvm < matlab.m
L2 norm on unsampled vertices: 0.096158
>> >> >> >> >> >> Error using figure
This functionality is no longer supported under the -nojvm startup option. For
more information, see "Changes to -nojvm Startup Option" in the MATLAB Release
Notes. To view the release note in your system browser, run
>> Error using gcf
This functionality is no longer supported under the -nojvm startup option. For
more information, see "Changes to -nojvm Startup Option" in the MATLAB Release
Notes. To view the release note in your system browser, run
Error in newplot (line 63)
fig = gcf;
Error in scatter>localGetAxesInfo (line 102)
cax = newplot(cax);
Error in scatter (line 82)
[~,parax] = localGetAxesInfo(cax);
>> >> >> >> Error using gca
This functionality is no longer supported under the -nojvm startup option. For
more information, see "Changes to -nojvm Startup Option" in the MATLAB Release
Notes. To view the release note in your system browser, run
Error in title (line 22)
ax = gca;
>> Error using gca
This functionality is no longer supported under the -nojvm startup option. For
more information, see "Changes to -nojvm Startup Option" in the MATLAB Release
Notes. To view the release note in your system browser, run
Error in hold (line 34)
ax = gca;
>> >> >> Error using figure
This functionality is no longer supported under the -nojvm startup option. For
more information, see "Changes to -nojvm Startup Option" in the MATLAB Release
Notes. To view the release note in your system browser, run
>> Error using gcf
This functionality is no longer supported under the -nojvm startup option. For
more information, see "Changes to -nojvm Startup Option" in the MATLAB Release
Notes. To view the release note in your system browser, run
Error in newplot (line 63)
fig = gcf;
Error in scatter>localGetAxesInfo (line 102)
cax = newplot(cax);
Error in scatter (line 82)
[~,parax] = localGetAxesInfo(cax);
>> >> >> >> Error using gca
This functionality is no longer supported under the -nojvm startup option. For
more information, see "Changes to -nojvm Startup Option" in the MATLAB Release
Notes. To view the release note in your system browser, run
Error in title (line 22)
ax = gca;
>> Error using gca
This functionality is no longer supported under the -nojvm startup option. For
more information, see "Changes to -nojvm Startup Option" in the MATLAB Release
Notes. To view the release note in your system browser, run
Error in hold (line 34)
ax = gca;
>> >> Error using figure
This functionality is no longer supported under the -nojvm startup option. For
more information, see "Changes to -nojvm Startup Option" in the MATLAB Release
Notes. To view the release note in your system browser, run
>> Error using gcf
This functionality is no longer supported under the -nojvm startup option. For
more information, see "Changes to -nojvm Startup Option" in the MATLAB Release
Notes. To view the release note in your system browser, run
Error in newplot (line 63)
fig = gcf;
Error in scatter>localGetAxesInfo (line 102)
cax = newplot(cax);
Error in scatter (line 82)
[~,parax] = localGetAxesInfo(cax);
>> >> >> >> Error using gca
This functionality is no longer supported under the -nojvm startup option. For
more information, see "Changes to -nojvm Startup Option" in the MATLAB Release
Notes. To view the release note in your system browser, run
Error in title (line 22)
ax = gca;
>> Error using gca
This functionality is no longer supported under the -nojvm startup option. For
more information, see "Changes to -nojvm Startup Option" in the MATLAB Release
Notes. To view the release note in your system browser, run
Error in hold (line 34)
ax = gca;
>> >> Error using figure
This functionality is no longer supported under the -nojvm startup option. For
more information, see "Changes to -nojvm Startup Option" in the MATLAB Release
Notes. To view the release note in your system browser, run
>> Error using gcf
This functionality is no longer supported under the -nojvm startup option. For
more information, see "Changes to -nojvm Startup Option" in the MATLAB Release
Notes. To view the release note in your system browser, run
Error in newplot (line 63)
fig = gcf;
Error in scatter>localGetAxesInfo (line 102)
cax = newplot(cax);
Error in scatter (line 82)
[~,parax] = localGetAxesInfo(cax);
>> >> >> >> Error using gca
This functionality is no longer supported under the -nojvm startup option. For
more information, see "Changes to -nojvm Startup Option" in the MATLAB Release
Notes. To view the release note in your system browser, run
Error in title (line 22)
ax = gca;
>> Error using gca
This functionality is no longer supported under the -nojvm startup option. For
more information, see "Changes to -nojvm Startup Option" in the MATLAB Release
Notes. To view the release note in your system browser, run
Error in hold (line 34)
ax = gca;
能否請您指導我如何解決這個問題或者我怎麼回事,可以運行PHP中的Matlab代碼?目前我能夠從php運行如ls -ltr
'-nojvm'仍然被支持,它只是* graphics *當使用'-nojvm'時不支持,下面的答案詳細說明了這一點。 – Suever