using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
using System.Diagnostics;
public class SSLCertificateCreator
public static string RunDosCommand(string Cmd, string Arguments)
{//Executes a Dos command in the current directory and then returns the result
string TestMessageText = "";
string filePath = Environment.CurrentDirectory;
ProcessStartInfo pi = new ProcessStartInfo()
FileName = filePath + "\\" + Cmd,
Arguments = Arguments + " ",
RedirectStandardOutput = true,
UseShellExecute = false,
CreateNoWindow = false
using (Process p = Process.Start(pi))
TestMessageText = p.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();
return TestMessageText;
catch (Exception Ex)
return "ERROR :" +Ex.Message;
public static bool MakeCACertificate(string RootCertificateName, string FriendlyName)
{//Make a CA certificate but only if we don't already have one and then sets the friendly name
if (FindCertificate("Root", RootCertificateName, OpenFlags.ReadOnly) != null) return false; //We already have this root certificate
string Arguments="-pe -n \"CN=" + RootCertificateName + "\" -ss Root -sr CurrentUser -a sha1 -sky signature -r \"" + RootCertificateName + ".cer\" -m 12";
string Result=RunDosCommand("makecert", Arguments);
X509Certificate2 Cert = FindCertificate("Root", RootCertificateName, OpenFlags.ReadWrite);
if (Cert == null || !Result.ToLower().StartsWith("succeeded")) return false;
Cert.FriendlyName = FriendlyName;
return true;
public static bool MakeSignedCertificate(string RootCertificateName, string CertificateName, string FriendlyName)
{//Makes a signed certificate but only if we have the root certificate and then sets the friendly name
if (FindCertificate("Root", RootCertificateName, OpenFlags.ReadOnly) == null) return false; //We must have a valid root-certificate first
if (FindCertificate("my",CertificateName, OpenFlags.ReadOnly)!=null) return false;//Nope we alrady have this signed certificate
string Arguments = "-pe -n \"CN=" + CertificateName + "\" -ss my -sr CurrentUser -a sha1 -sky exchange -eku -in \"" + RootCertificateName + "\" -is Root -ir CurrentUser -sp \"Microsoft RSA SChannel Cryptographic Provider\" -sy 12 \"" + CertificateName + ".cer\" -m 12";
string Result = RunDosCommand("makecert", Arguments);
X509Certificate2 Cert = FindCertificate("my", CertificateName, OpenFlags.ReadWrite);
if (Cert==null || !Result.ToLower().StartsWith("succeeded")) return false;
Cert.FriendlyName = FriendlyName;
return true;
private static X509Certificate2 FindCertificate(string Store, string Name, OpenFlags Mode)
{//Look to see if we can find the certificate store
X509Store store = new X509Store(Store,StoreLocation.CurrentUser);
foreach (X509Certificate2 Cert in store.Certificates)
if (Cert.Subject.ToLower() =="cn="+ Name.ToLower())
return Cert;//Yep found it
return null;
SSLCertificateCreator.MakeCACertificate(「DavesRoot」,「Nice Name」); SSLCertificateCreator.MakeSignedCertificate(「DavesRoot」,「Daves Signed Certificate5」,「Nice Name」);
makecert.exe必須在BIN/Release或Debug目錄的代碼工作,這段代碼只曾經在Windows 8
你需要SSH或SSL測試?這是兩種不同的協議。 –
當前我正在使用System.Net.Security.SslStream類,它是AuthenticateAsServer(X509Certificate)方法 –
當您說'我已安裝.cer文件' - 何處?您需要將其安裝到CA商店,否則它將不會被其他計算機信任。 –