Option Explicit
Sub SortData()
Dim vInData As Variant, vOutData As Variant
Dim ii As Long, lCounter As Long
Dim wkOut As Worksheet
'Read in your data, you could set this as a function and pass it any range
vInData = ActiveSheet.Range("A1:C8").Value2
'Double up the output array just in case every record is valid, we can redim after processing
'Also not we've transposed the array because you can only redim preserve the second bound
ReDim vOutData(LBound(vInData, 2) To UBound(vInData, 2), LBound(vInData, 1) To 2 * UBound(vInData, 1))
'Loop through the input
For ii = LBound(vInData, 1) To UBound(vInData, 1)
'Check for the yes flag first
If vInData(ii, 2) = "Y" Then
'Then check the percentage bounds
If vInData(ii, 3) > 0 And vInData(ii, 3) < 100 Then
'Increase the counter by two since we're adding two lines.
lCounter = lCounter + 2
vOutData(1, lCounter - 1) = vInData(ii, 1) & "_G"
vOutData(2, lCounter - 1) = "Y"
vOutData(3, lCounter - 1) = 100
vOutData(1, lCounter) = vInData(ii, 1) & "_NG"
vOutData(2, lCounter) = "Y"
vOutData(3, lCounter) = 0
End If
End If
Next ii
'Now we have all the outputs redim the array to remove empty elements
ReDim Preserve vOutData(LBound(vOutData, 1) To UBound(vOutData, 1), LBound(vOutData, 2) To lCounter)
'I've just dumped the output onto a fresh sheet, you can set the output array to any range on any worksheet you like
Set wkOut = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Add
With wkOut
.Name = "Output"
.Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(UBound(vOutData, 2), UBound(vOutData, 1))).Value2 = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(vOutData)
End With
End Sub
不要在excel中這樣做。在生成excel的任何地方都可以這樣做...... – 2013-03-12 21:28:30
也許他以excel「報告」格式輸出數據,這些格式不再存在於原始數據源中。 – 2013-03-12 21:31:53
第二個表格將位於不同的選項卡/工作簿中。有數百萬條記錄被收到,其中50萬條將以flag_1爲'Y'。任何建議來自動化這個過程。我們無法控制源文件中的數據,這種情況下是第一個表格。 – Sonali 2013-03-12 21:32:16