2012-04-13 48 views

我想在Zend Framework中將數據庫表列字段下載爲CSV。有沒有任何ZF庫?在Zend Framework中下載數據庫表列字段爲CSV



您應該接受以前問題的一些答案。 – sshow 2012-04-13 09:22:32



我假設你有一個標準的DbTable模型用於你的表格。獲取表格信息使用info() method

//the following is pseudocode and not meant to be copied directly, intended to guide 
public function indexAction() { 
    $model = new Application_Model_DbTable_MyTable(); 
    //This returns an array of table info 
    $info = $model->info(); 
    //prepare the data so each line can be saved 
    $data = $info['name'] . ',' . $info['primary']; 
    //then write each line to the database, I usually use a function from 
    // a utility class or a protected function 
    //I would normally build an array of the data I want saved and then 
    //iterate over the array saving as I go. 
    $save = $this->_writeToFile($filename, $data); 

//the following function is not pseudocode 
protected function _writeToFile($filename, $content) { 
     // Let's make sure the file exists and is writable first. 
     if (is_writable($filename)) { 

      // In our example we're opening $filename in append mode. 
      // The file pointer is at the bottom of the file hence 
      // that's where $somecontent will go when we fwrite() it. 
      if (!$handle = fopen($filename, 'a')) { 
       echo "Cannot open file ($filename)"; 
      // Write $somecontent to our opened file. 
      if (fwrite($handle, $content) === FALSE) { 
       echo "Cannot write to file ($filename)"; 
      echo "Success, wrote ($content) to file ($filename) <br />"; 
      //close file 
     } else { 
      echo "The file $filename is not writable"; 
