// Get Column A's number
var a1 = Number($('#p-a').attr("numb"));
// Get Column B's number
var b1 = Number($('#p-b').attr("numb"));
// Get status for column A
var a_status = $('#p-a').attr("status");
// Get status for column A
var b_status = $('#p-b').attr("status");
// If same, status="s" else, status="i"
var status = "";
if(a_status == b_status) { status = "s"; }else{ status = "o"; }
// Get the value of the numbers + status
var a = this_function(a1, b1, status, "2");
// Update the status div
function this_function(a1, a2, s, p)
this_array = array();
this_array['1']['1']['1']['1'] = "10";
this_array['1']['1']['1']['2'] = "20";
this_array['1']['2']['1']['1'] = "40";
this_array['1']['2']['1']['2'] = "60";
return this_array[a1][a2][s][p];
是什麼陣列返回?此外,這看起來並不像我想要的那樣,因爲它使用字母'o'作爲索引而不是0 – glebm 2011-01-19 23:14:59
a1 =「1」 b1 =「2」 a_status和b_status =「ok」 – 2011-01-19 23:17:04
和for數組中,那些'o被替換爲1/0,編輯帖子以反映這一點。 – 2011-01-19 23:17:44