2014-10-30 15 views

我需要爲數千行同步兩個數據庫(一個mysql,另一個是遠程託管的SQL Server數據庫)之間的特定信息。當我執行這個PHP文件時,它會在幾分鐘後卡住/超時,所以我想知道如何解決這個問題,也許還優化了「同步」它的方式。如何處理/優化數千個不同的執行SELECT查詢?


基本上我想在我的數據庫中的每一行(=一個賬戶),這被更新 - 從另一個SQL Server的兩個信息的某些片段(= 2個SELECT查詢)數據庫。因此,我使用foreach循環爲每行創建2個SQL查詢,然後將這些信息更新爲該行的2列。我們討論需要運行這個foreach循環的〜10k行。


我聽說過PDO Transactions應該收集所有這些查詢,然後在所有SELECT查詢的包中發送它們,但我不知道我是否正確使用它們,或者他們是否甚至在這種情況下提供幫助。


UPDATE Gifting 
    refsInserted=(SELECT COUNT(USERNAME) 
        FROM accounts 
        WHERE referral=Gifting.refId), 
    refsCompleted=(SELECT COUNT(USERNAME) 
        FROM accounts 
        WHERE referral=Gifting.refId 
         AND finished=1) 


// DBH => MSSQL DB | DB => MySQL DB 
// Get all referral IDs which needs to be updated: 
$listAccounts = "SELECT * FROM Gifting WHERE refsCompleted <= 100 ORDER BY idGifting ASC"; 
$ps_listAccounts = $db->prepare($listAccounts); 

foreach($ps_listAccounts as $row) { 
    // Refsinserted 
    $refsInserted = "SELECT count(username) as done FROM accounts WHERE referral='$refid'"; 
    $ps_refsInserted = $dbh->prepare($refsInserted); 
    $row = $ps_refsInserted->fetch(); 
    $refsInserted = $row['done']; 

    // Refscompleted 
    $refsCompleted = "SELECT count(username) as done FROM accounts WHERE referral='$refid' AND finished=1"; 
    $ps_refsCompleted = $dbh->prepare($refsCompleted); 
    $row2 = $ps_refsCompleted->fetch(); 
    $refsCompleted = $row2['done']; 

    // Update fields for local order db 
    $updateGifting = "UPDATE Gifting SET refsInserted = :refsInserted, refsCompleted = :refsCompleted WHERE refId = :refId"; 
    $ps_updateGifting = $db->prepare($updateGifting); 

    $ps_updateGifting->bindParam(':refsInserted', $refsInserted); 
    $ps_updateGifting->bindParam(':refsCompleted', $refsCompleted); 
    $ps_updateGifting->bindParam(':refId', $refid); 
    echo "$refid: $refsInserted Refs inserted/$refsCompleted Refs completed<br>"; 


您的2個帳戶選擇應該匯入1 – 2014-10-30 20:06:35


看起來這可能全部彙總爲一個查詢更新。如在一個查詢所有行和更新中一樣。 – 2014-10-30 20:08:08


我怎樣才能將這2個選項添加到一個?兩個查詢都是不同的數字(一個將給出一個訂單的插入量 - 例如對於一個訂單爲100包,而另一個查詢將給我已經完成/發送的包的數量) – kentor 2014-10-30 20:27:33







如果我這樣做,沒有做一個出口/進口,這是我會做什麼。儘管如此,這還是有一些假設。首先是您使用的是mssql 2008或更新版本,其次是推薦ID始終是一個數字。我還使用了一個將數字插入的臨時表,因爲您可以使用單個查詢輕鬆插入多行,然後運行單個更新查詢來更新贈送表。該臨時表遵循結構CREATE TABLE tempTable (refId int, done int, total int)

//get list of referral accounts 
//if you are using one column, only query for one column 
$listAccounts = "SELECT DISTINCT refId FROM Gifting WHERE refsCompleted <= 100 ORDER BY idGifting ASC"; 
$ps_listAccounts = $db->prepare($listAccounts); 

//loop over and get list of refIds from above. 
$refIds = array(); 
foreach($ps_listAccounts as $row){ 
    $refIds[] = $row['refId']; 

if(count($refIds) > 0){ 
    //implode into string for use in query below 
    $refIds = implode(',',$refIds); 

    //select out total count 
    $totalCount = "SELECT referral, COUNT(username) AS cnt FROM accounts WHERE referral IN ($refIds) GROUP BY referral"; 
    $ps_totalCounts = $dbh->prepare($totalCount); 

    //add to array of counts 
    $counts = array(); 

    //loop over total counts 
    foreach($ps_totalCounts as $row){ 
     //if referral id not found, add it 
      $counts[$row['referral']] = array('total'=>0,'done'=>0); 
     //add to count 
     $counts[$row['referral']]['total'] += $row['cnt']; 

    $doneCount = "SELECT referral, COUNT(username) AS cnt FROM accounts WHERE finished=1 AND referral IN ($refIds) GROUP BY referral"; 
    $ps_doneCounts = $dbh->prepare($doneCount); 

    //loop over total counts 
    foreach($ps_totalCounts as $row){ 
     //if referral id not found, add it 
      $counts[$row['referral']] = array('total'=>0,'done'=>0); 
     //add to count 
     $counts[$row['referral']]['done'] += $row['cnt']; 

    //now loop over counts and generate insert queries to a temp table. 
    //I suggest using a temp table because you can insert multiple rows 
    //in one query and then the update is one query. 
    $sqlInsertList = array(); 
    foreach($count as $refId=>$count){ 
     $sqlInsertList[] = "({$refId}, {$count['done']}, {$count['total']})"; 

    //clear out the temp table first so we are only inserting new rows 
    $truncSql = "TRUNCATE TABLE tempTable"; 
    $ps_trunc = $db->prepare($truncSql); 

    //make insert sql with multiple insert rows 
    $insertSql = "INSERT INTO tempTable (refId, done, total) VALUES ".implode(',',$sqlInsertList); 
    //prepare sql for insert into mssql 
    $ps_insert = $db->prepare($insertSql); 

    //sql to update existing rows 
    $updateSql = "UPDATE Gifting 
        SET refsInserted=(SELECT total FROM tempTable WHERE refId=Gifting.refId), 
         refsCompleted=(SELECT done FROM tempTable WHERE refId=Gifting.refId) 
        WHERE refId IN (SELECT refId FROM tempTable) 
         AND refsCompleted <= 100"; 
    $ps_update = $db->prepare($updateSql); 
} else { 
    echo "There were no reference ids found from \$dbh"; 

「在兩個數據庫(一個mysql,另一個mssql)之間」。我認爲問題在於我使用了兩個完全不同的數據庫(一個是遠程託管的mssql數據庫)。但基本上我得到了這種優化,它會幫助我想,但是這不解決我的問題:(。 – kentor 2014-10-30 20:24:26


從閱讀代碼,我沒有注意到更新是一個不同的數據庫比選擇語句。更新我的答案,我會建議。 – 2014-10-30 20:43:35


感謝您的更新我將仔細檢查代碼並進行測試! – kentor 2014-10-30 22:02:50