2014-02-22 35 views

我正在試圖動態調整一個.png圖像的大小,以便將任何文本放在框上。正如您從打印屏幕上看到的那樣,它不會動態調整大小以適應框中的文本。我不知道如何使它工作...該頁面的鏈接在這裏。我嘗試過格式化填充,邊距和添加類和div,但它不起作用。鏈接到網站可以找到here。 所以在如何動態調整圖像大小 - CSS/HTML

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      <h2 class="title">Services</h2> 
      <p>Our experience and business ethics have evolved over several decades of working in the cleaning industry. We understand the importance of supervision, training, communication, and customer satisfaction. The facility types we serve include commercial, healthcare, corporate, education, industrial, manufacturing, and auto dealerships 
      <h2>Building Maintenance Services:</h2> 
       <li><b>Contract Custodial Cleaning:</b> Outsourcing of custodial cleaning is a way for corporate clients to reduce their direct costs while ensuring that quality control standards are met. We can work within your existing cleaning specifications or custom design a complete program for your nightly cleaning requirements, including all labor, cleaning equipment and complete supervision. Additional value-add features include consumable product inventory control, periodic project cleaning, and quality control site audits. 
       <li><b>Certified Cleanroom Attendant Services: </b> 
      Cleanroom cleaning is a highly-specialized function and critical part of our clients’ quality control standards. We can develop and implement a program that will conform to your protocols. Our Attendants are trained and certified in all areas of contamination control including waste removal, gowning procedures, cleaning techniques and equipment handling. 
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      <h2 class="title">Specialized Cleaning Services</h2> 
      <ul class="style3"> 
       <li>ESD and composition tile floor refinishing and maintenance</li> 
       <li>Carpet and area rug cleaning</li> 
      <li>Cubicle fabrics partition and upholstery cleaning</li> 
       <li>Kitchen and cafeteria cleaning</li> 
       <li>Window and glass cleaning</li> 
       <li>Wall and ceiling cleaning</li> 
       <div id="box3" class="box-style2"> 
       <h2 class="title">Additional Services</h2> 
       <li><a href="#">Post-construction cleanup</a></li> 
      <li>Temporary hourly-rate personnel</li> 
      <li>Matron/day porters</li> 
      <li>Pressure washing</li> 
      <li>Mold and mildew treatments</li> 
      <li>Fabric and carpet soil protection</li> 
      <li>Carpet deodorizing</li> 
      <li>Floor mat purchase and rental programs</li> 
      <li>Flame retardant applications</li> 
      <li>Static control applications</li> 
      <li>Seasonal school dormitory cleaning</li> 


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這需要調整大小的圖像是palette/png/CBG/cbg_combined.pngpalette/png/CBG/cbg_shadow.png,在申報單#page-bg3提出,#page-bg2#page-bg1。這是我想根據該框中顯示的div文本調整大小的圖像。 enter image description here。我還添加了一個截圖,讓你們可以對這個問題有一個概念。

我能做些什麼來使它工作?我只需要這個中央橫幅就可以動態調整大小。 我也加入我怎麼想的頁面截圖,看起來像: enter image description here


你想要它看起來如何?你能分享那個截圖嗎? – Morven


@DhirajShah我已添加截圖 – cybertextron


給我幾分鐘。我會想出一個解決方案。 – Morven






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非常感謝! – cybertextron