2013-02-08 50 views

你好我在使用JavaScript有8個地鐵應用程序窗口的工作我開發的應用程序,並對其進行測試我使用Windows應用程序認證工具包通過測試程序的時候,最終顯示出我沒那個Windows 8應用認證測試問題

Performance test 

失敗 字節碼生成

Error Found: The bytecode generation test detected the following errors: 
    This package was deployed for development or authoring mode. Uninstall the package and re-install it normally. 
Impact if not fixed: As a performance optimization to accelerate JavaScript execution time, JavaScript files ending in the ".js" extension generate bytecode when the app is deployed. This optimization significantly improves start-up and ongoing execution times for JavaScript. 
How to fix: You may need consider one or more of these steps to fix the issue: 
- Ensure that event logging is enabled 
- All JavaScript files are syntactically valid; otherwise exclude the respective files from the package 
- Please note that you should uninstall all previous versions of the app before deploying 
Otherwise exclude the respective files from the package. 

我試圖解決這個問題,但同時我使用許可的Windows 8專業版和Visual Studio 2012專業我不能吝嗇,但我沒有付費開發商許可計費,但有一個只是微軟的開發者賬戶。

我的主要問題是測試應用程序,並使其通過我需要任何有效的付費開發人員帳戶或一般帳戶足以測試,因爲它顯示包已部署用於開發或創作模式我已閱讀微型文件 - 如何測試應用程序我做了同樣的事情,但問題沒有糾正,你可以建議我一些關於這方面的信息。




嘗試運行商店 - >創建應用程序包並選擇「否」,然後按下一個按鈕。之後,WACK-Tool自動啓動,並且會通過字節碼生成。
