2014-01-30 45 views




我認爲這個問題可以幫助你:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3145569/how-to-power-down-the-computer-from-a-freestanding-environment –



this有關OSDev的文章,您可以使用ACPI或APM接口。 ACPI似乎過於複雜,您可以在this article中看到,而APM更簡單。


mov ah,53h   ;this is an APM command 
mov al,00h   ;installation check command 
xor bx,bx    ;device id (0 = APM BIOS) 
int 15h    ;call the BIOS function through interrupt 15h 
jc APM_error   ;if the carry flag is set there was an error 
         ;the function was successful 
         ;AX = APM version number 
          ;AH = Major revision number (in BCD format) 
          ;AL = Minor revision number (also BCD format) 
         ;BX = ASCII characters "P" (in BH) and "M" (in BL) 
         ;CX = APM flags (see the official documentation for more details) 


;disconnect from any APM interface 
mov ah,53h    ;this is an APM command 
mov al,04h    ;interface disconnect command 
xor bx,bx    ;device id (0 = APM BIOS) 
int 15h     ;call the BIOS function through interrupt 15h 
jc .disconnect_error   ;if the carry flag is set see what the fuss is about. 
jmp .no_error 

.disconnect_error:  ;the error code is in ah. 
cmp ah,03h    ;if the error code is anything but 03h there was an error. 
jne APM_error   ;the error code 03h means that no interface was connected in the first place. 

         ;the function was successful 
         ;Nothing is returned. 


;connect to an APM interface 
mov ah,53h    ;this is an APM command 
mov al,[interface_number];see above description 
xor bx,bx    ;device id (0 = APM BIOS) 
int 15h     ;call the BIOS function through interrupt 15h 
jc APM_error    ;if the carry flag is set there was an error 
         ;the function was successful 
         ;The return values are different for each interface. 
         ;The Real Mode Interface returns nothing. 
         ;See the official documentation for the 
         ;return values for the protected mode interfaces. 


;Enable power management for all devices 
mov ah,53h    ;this is an APM command 
mov al,08h    ;Change the state of power management... 
mov bx,0001h   ;...on all devices to... 
mov cx,0001h   ;...power management on. 
int 15h     ;call the BIOS function through interrupt 15h 
jc APM_error   ;if the carry flag is set there was an error 


;Set the power state for all devices 
mov ah,53h    ;this is an APM command 
mov al,07h    ;Set the power state... 
mov bx,0001h   ;...on all devices to... 
mov cx,[power_state] ;see above 
int 15h     ;call the BIOS function through interrupt 15h 
jc APM_error   ;if the carry flag is set there was an error 

在QEMU 2.0.0上測試Ubuntu 14.04:https://github.com/cirosantilli/x86-bare-metal-examples/blob/ 7cff2a3fc93a636f8e253892af212a30c5a58697/apm_shutdown2.S –


那麼當最後的int15h返回成功時你怎麼做? – Joshua