我正在創建一個IPOD應用程序,並且我有一個從JSON提要創建的NSDictionary。我試圖將其轉換爲NSMutableArray。我知道我需要遍歷字典並將鍵和值寫入數組,但我遇到了代碼問題。這是完成這個的目的。iOS 5將NSDictionary轉換爲NSMutableArray的問題?
////從網站獲取JSON數據 NSError * error; NSDictionary * json = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:data options:kNilOptions error:& error];
////// convert the dictionary to an NSMutableArray
// create an empty array of size equal to the number of json records
NSMutableArray *users = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:1];
// Begin filling the array
NSInteger dCount = [json count];
for(int i=0; i < dCount; i++)
User *user = [[User alloc] init];
user.emailAddress = [json objectForKey: @"emailAddress"];
user.password = [json objectForKey: @"password"];
user.password = [json objectForKey: @"password"];
[users addObject:user];
NSLog(@"This is record: %@", i);