input_data <- tibble::tribble(
# Number of samples can be more than 2.
# Number of genes around 24K
~Genes, ~Sample1, ~Sample2,
"Ncr1", 8.2, 10.10,
"Il1f9", 3.2, 20.30,
"Stfa2l1", 2.3, 0.3,
"Klra10", 5.5, 12.0,
"Dcn", 1.8, 0,
"Cxcr2", 1.3, 1.1,
"Foo", 20, 70
#> # A tibble: 7 × 3
#> Genes Sample1 Sample2
#> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 Ncr1 8.2 10.1
#> 2 Il1f9 3.2 20.3
#> 3 Stfa2l1 2.3 0.3
#> 4 Klra10 5.5 12.0
#> 5 Dcn 1.8 0.0
#> 6 Cxcr2 1.3 1.1
#> 7 Foo 20.0 70.0
我想要做的就是從替換值第二列(樣本1)向前。 請不要說樣本名稱可以是任何東西,所以最好使用列索引。
以0 最後,我們希望能得到這樣的結果替換它:
Genes Sample1 Sample2
Ncr1 8.2 10.1
Il1f9 3.2 20.3
Stfa2l1 2.3 0
Klra10 5.5 12.0
Dcn 0 0.0
Cxcr2 0 0
Foo 20.0 70.0
簡單:'input_data [input_data <2] < - 0'? – BigDataScientist