2015-08-30 91 views

在我的宏中,我有一個子程序(使用for循環)遍歷表中的行,並在列V中寫入註釋,具體取決於列中的內容S.在此循環中,它還計算S列中「New」的次數。現在,我想將此值傳遞給主宏,然後傳遞給另一個子例程。我該怎麼做,或者我的方法在這裏錯了?如何在Excel VBA中將值從一個子項傳遞給另一個

如果我理解正確,通常不可能在excel VBA中從subs中返回值,但是可以從函數中返回。但是我不認爲這裏有一個函數是適合的(我可能會誤解函數如何在VBA中工作和/或沒有意識到它們的全部潛力!)。



Sub MainMacro() 
    Call CommentSub 
    Call NumberOfRowsToCopy 
End sub 

Sub CommentSub 
    Dim Counter As Integer 
    For Counter = 1 to 500 
    If Cells(Counter, "S") = "New" Then 
     NewOrderLineCounter = NewOrderLineCounter + 1 
     Cells(Counter, "V").Select 
     ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "New Line" 
    End If 
    Next Counter 
End sub 

Sub NumberOfRowsToCopy 
    ActiveSheet.Range("$A$12:$T$1001").AutoFilter Field:=16, Criteria1:= _ 
    ActiveSheet.Range("B15:N" & NewOrderLineCounter).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Select 
End sub 



我不明白你爲什麼不能使用函數? 你應該可以沒有問題,使他們的第一個功能,並將計數器的結果作爲CommentSub的輸出作爲輸入傳遞給NumberOfRowsToCopy,並讓NumberOfRowsToCopy有1個輸入值用於計數器 –


我得到我錯誤地理解了VBA中的函數是如何工作的印象。從我讀過的東西(在幫助文件等)我明白,功能被用來做計算。該示例幾乎總是給出函數x和y,它將返回值z,例如面積或體積等。我沒有看到它所說的任何地方:「在一個函數中,你可以完成你在子文件中做的事情,但是也返回一個值」。 –


到底什麼是計算?一系列操作導致了特定的答案,這是否意味着你僅限於數學操作員?不,不是的。 在VBA中,函數和子函數的主要區別是函數是子函數,它將一個值返回給調用者,而子類只是被調用並以返回值結束。與C subs相比是無效功能。 –





Private Sub MainMacro() 
    Dim lReturn As Long 

    'Get the return from the CommentSub 
    lReturn = CommentSub 

    'Pass that to the nextsub 
    NumberOfRowsToCopy (lReturn) 
End Sub 

Function CommentSub() As Long 'Declare the return type after the function 
    Dim NewOrderLineCounter As Long 
    Dim Counter As Integer 
    For Counter = 1 To 500 
    If Cells(Counter, "S") = "New" Then 
     NewOrderLineCounter = NewOrderLineCounter + 1 
     Cells(Counter, "V").Select 
     ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "New Line" 
    End If 
    Next Counter 

    'Here you set the return value of the funtion 
    CommentSub = NewOrderLineCounter 
End Function 

Sub NumberOfRowsToCopy(lCount As Long) 'Declare the variable being passed to the sub. 
Dim NewOrderLineCounter As Long 
NewOrderLineCounter = lCount 
    ActiveSheet.Range("$A$12:$T$1001").AutoFilter Field:=16, Criteria1:= _ 
    ActiveSheet.Range("B15:N" & NewOrderLineCounter).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Select 
End Sub 


'Declared like this it can be accessed by any sub or function in this module or form. 
Private NewOrderLineCounter as Long 

'Declared like this it can be accessed by any sub or function in this module or form and from others. Although I think if it is in a form it will not be accessible from modules. For that you can create a module called globals and declare it there as public. 
Public NewOrderLineCounter as Long 

Sub MainMacro() 
    Call CommentSub 
    Call NumberOfRowsToCopy 
End sub 

Sub CommentSub 
    Dim Counter As Integer 
    For Counter = 1 to 500 
    If Cells(Counter, "S") = "New" Then 
     NewOrderLineCounter = NewOrderLineCounter + 1 
     Cells(Counter, "V").Select 
     ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "New Line" 
    End If 
    Next Counter 
End sub 

Sub NumberOfRowsToCopy 
    ActiveSheet.Range("$A$12:$T$1001").AutoFilter Field:=16, Criteria1:= _ 
    ActiveSheet.Range("B15:N" & NewOrderLineCounter).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Select 
End sub 

我可能會誤解函數如何在VBA中工作和/或沒有意識到自己的全部潛力。隨時教育我! –


一個子和函數是相同的,除了該函數返回一個值。他們都接受爭論。 – MatthewD



Sub CommentSub 
    Dim Counter As Integer 
    For Counter = 1 to 500 
    If Cells(Counter, "S") = "New" Then 
     NewOrderLineCounter = NewOrderLineCounter + 1 
     Cells(Counter, "V").Select 
     ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "New Line" 
    End If 
    Next Counter 
    ws.Cells(i,j).Value = Counter 
End sub 


Sub NumberOfRowsToCopy 
    myCounter = ws.Cells(i,j).Value 
    ActiveSheet.Range("$A$12:$T$1001").AutoFilter Field:=16, Criteria1:= _ 
    ActiveSheet.Range("B15:N" & NewOrderLineCounter).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Select 
End sub 




Option Explicit 

Public Sub MainSub() 

    Dim local_1 As Long 
    Dim local_2 As Long 

    local_1 = 0 
    local_2 = 0 

    setVal local_1    'Sub setVal() updates local_1 
    MsgBox local_1    'result: 1 

    putVal local_1    'Sub putVal() doesn't update local_1 
    MsgBox local_1    'result: 1 

    local_2 = getVal(local_1) 'Function getVal() updates local_1 and local_2 
    MsgBox local_1    'result: 2 
    MsgBox local_2    'result: 3 

End Sub 

Public Sub setVal(ByRef val As Long) 'pass ByRef (not a copy) 
    val = val + 1 
End Sub 

Public Sub putVal(ByVal val As Long) 'pass ByVal (a copy) 
    val = val + 1 
End Sub 

Public Function getVal(ByRef val As Long) As Long 
    val = val + 1    'updates val 
    getVal = val + 1   'doesn't update val (returns a new value) 
End Function 



Public Sub MainMacro() 
    Dim newOrderRows As Long 

    Call CommentSub(newOrderRows) 
    Call NumberOfRowsToCopy(newOrderRows) 
End Sub 

Public Sub CommentSub(ByRef newOrderRows As Long) 
    Dim vRng As Range 

    With ActiveSheet.UsedRange 
     .AutoFilter Field:=19, Criteria1:="New" 
     Set vRng = .Offset(1, 0).Resize(.Rows.Count - 1, .Columns.Count).Columns("V") 

     vRng.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible) = "New Line" 
     newOrderRows = vRng.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Count 
    End With 
End Sub 

Public Function NumberOfRowsToCopy(ByVal newOrderRows As Long) As Long 
    Dim x As Long 

    With ActiveSheet 
     .Range("A12:T" & .UsedRange.Rows.Count).AutoFilter Field:=16, Criteria1:="New" 
     x = .Range("N15:N" & 15 + newOrderRows).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Count 
    End With 

    NumberOfRowsToCopy = x 
End Function 