我有一個具有ItemNumber,Description和Quantity的類Item。我有一個類ItemCollection(它當前使用一個Item數組),我想要使用散列表或字典。在我的Item類中,我使用ItemNumber比較項目a ==項目b。
foreach(var package in shipments)
foreach(var item in package)
shipOrder += item;
return mainOrder==shipOrder;
public class Item
public Item(object[] array)
ItemNumber = array[0].ToString();
Description = array[1].ToString();
Quantity = (int)array[2];
public Item(string item, string desc, int qty)
ItemNumber = item;
Description = desc;
Quantity = qty;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string ItemNumber;
public string Description;
public int Quantity;
public override bool Equals(object obj)
//return compareTwoItems(this, (Item)obj);
return this.GetHashCode() == obj.GetHashCode();
public static bool operator ==(Item ic1, Item ic2)
return compareTwoItems(ic1, ic2);
public static bool operator !=(Item ic1, Item ic2)
return !compareTwoItems(ic1, ic2);
private static bool compareTwoItems(Item ic1, Item ic2)
return (ic1.ItemNumber == ic2.ItemNumber)
&& (ic1.Quantity == ic2.Quantity);
public override int GetHashCode()
return ItemNumber.GetHashCode()^Quantity;
public class ItemCollection : System.Collections.Generic.SortedDictionary<string, Item>
public ItemCollection()
public void AddItem(Item i)
this.Add(i.ItemNumber, i);
public string TrackNumber = "";
/// <summary>
/// Check to see if the Two ItemCollections have the same Quantity of items. If not it may be that the order was not completed
/// </summary>
/// <param name="obj">the sales order items</param>
/// <returns>True if the quantity of the two collections are the same.</returns>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentException">If the collections have different counts, or if ItemNumbers differ in one of the elements</exception>
public override bool Equals(object obj)
return this.GetHashCode() == ((ItemCollection)obj).GetHashCode();
public override int GetHashCode()
int hash = 0;
foreach (var item in this.Values)
hash ^= item.GetHashCode();
return hash;
/// <summary>
/// Check to see if the Two ItemCollections have the same Quantity of items. If not it may be that the order was not completed
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ic1">the sales order items</param>
/// <param name="ic2">the shipping ticket items</param>
/// <returns>True if the quantity of the two collections are the same.</returns>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentException">If the collections have different counts, or if ItemNumbers differ in one of the elements</exception>
public static bool operator ==(ItemCollection ic1, ItemCollection ic2)
return ic1.Equals(ic2);
public static bool operator !=(ItemCollection ic1, ItemCollection ic2)
return !ic1.Equals(ic2);
[TestMethod, TestCategory("ItemColl")]
public void ItemCollectionPassTest()
MSSqlDatabase db = new MSSqlDatabase();
ItemCollection salesOrder = db.GetItemsCollectionFromSalesOrder(4231);
ItemCollection items = db.GetItemsCollectionFromSalesOrder(4231);
Assert.AreEqual(salesOrder, items); //passes
Assert.IsTrue(salesOrder == items); //passes
[TestMethod, TestCategory("ItemColl")]
public void ItemCollectionDifferentQuantity()
MSSqlDatabase db = new MSSqlDatabase();
ItemCollection salesOrder1 = db.GetItemsCollectionFromSalesOrder(4231);
ItemCollection salesOrder2 = db.GetItemsCollectionFromSalesOrder(4232);
Assert.AreNotEqual(salesOrder1, salesOrder2); //passes
Assert.IsTrue(salesOrder1 != salesOrder2); //passes
ItemCollection[] items = db.GetItemsCollectionFromShipping(4231);
ItemCollection test = items[0];
Assert.AreNotEqual(salesOrder1, test); //Fails
CollectionAssert.AreNotEqual(salesOrder1, items[0]); // passes
非常感謝你的例子。讓我告訴你我有什麼,因爲一個奇怪的原因,我的單元測試失敗 –
我很高興它開始工作。我不能告訴你爲什麼它以前失敗了,看起來這取決於你從數據庫中獲得的數據。 –
是啊,它說像預期的東西是ItemCollection和Found ItemCollection ..我開始瘋了,因爲它不工作。現在它是。 –