我目前正在編程我的學士項目什麼是RFB客戶端和共享內存。 RFB客戶端的初始化完成後,將創建共享內存。我的老師讓我解耦代碼,我寫了幾個函數,併爲共享內存使用了一個全局變量。在幾個函數中使用全局變量後出現分段錯誤
但是現在嘗試讀取全局變量的內容時發生了段錯誤。我調試了代碼,發現:全局變量「my_shm」的內容始終爲「0x00」: -/ 您能幫我嗎?
這些代碼的部分發生問題: (我知道,這是一個漫長的代碼,但只發送的這部分將是無用的...)
char *my_shm; --> //global variable
int SHM_init (int shmid, char* shm, key_t key, long int size) {
/* Create a new (System V) shared memory segment of the specified size */
shmid = shmget(key, SHM_SIZE, IPC_CREAT|0777);
/* Check if SHM creation was successful */
if (shmid < 0) {
/* DBG: Debug message to show which point of the program has been passed */
/* Check if creation failed because of already existing SHM */
if (EEXIST == errno) {
/* DBG: Debug message to show which point of the program has been passed */
/* Delete already existing SHM with shmctl */
shmctl(shmid, IPC_RMID, NULL);
} else {
/* DBG: Debug message to show which point of the program has been passed */
/* Creation and initialization of SHM failed */
return -1;
/* Attach the SHM data pointer to the previously created SHM segment */
shm = shmat(shmid, NULL, 0);
if(shm == (char *) -1) {
/* Attaching failed */
return -1;
DBG_PRINT("Shared Memory Initialization successful\n");
/* Creation and initialization of shared memory was successful */
return 0;
void RFB_update(rfbClient* client) {
DBG_PRINT("RFB_update called\n");
int i,j;
rfbPixelFormat* pformat=&client->format;
/*bytesPerPix: variable which stores Bytes per Pixel*/
int bytesPerPix = pformat->bitsPerPixel/8;
/*row= width of frame*bytes per Pixel*/
int row=client->width*bytesPerPix;
char byte_to_write;
//as long as j is smaller than 128*(width*bytesPerPix)
for(j=0;j<client->height*row;j+=row) {
//as long as i is smaller than 128 * bytesPerPix
for(i=0;i<client->width*bytesPerPix;i+=bytesPerPix) {
/*frameBuff: Pointer on FrameBuffer*/
unsigned char* frameBuff = client->frameBuffer+j+i;
unsigned int v;
v=(unsigned int*)frameBuff;
byte_to_write = ((v>>pformat->redShift)*256/(pformat->redMax+1));
byte_to_write = ((v>>pformat->greenShift)*256/(pformat->greenMax+1));
byte_to_write = ((v>>pformat->blueShift)*256/(pformat->blueMax+1));
DBG_PRINT("RFB_update successful, Shared Memory is filled\n");
int SHM_write_byte (char** shm, char byte) {
/*Check if pointer to SHM is valid */
if (shm == (char **) -1) {
/* Pointer is invalid */
return -1;
shm = byte;
return 0;
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
if (SHM_init(shmid, my_shm, SHM_KEY, SHM_SIZE) != 0) {
DBG_PRINT("Shared Memory initialized\n");
/* Couldn't initialize SHM,initializing failed */
return -1;
/* Initialize RFB Client */
if (RFB_client_init(rfb_client, (FinishedFrameBufferUpdateProc)RFB_update) != 0) {
DBG_PRINT("Couldn't initialize client\n");
/* Couldn't initialize Client,initializing failed */
return -1;
- >無處不在使用變量「my_shm」:內容是:0x00 ...
太感謝你了!這幫了很多... –