[INFO] Adding repository http://dl-ssl.google.com/android/eclipse
[INFO] Fetching site.xml (0B of 1,8kB at 0B/s) from http://dl-ssl.google.com/android/eclipse/
[INFO] 1 operation remaining.
[INFO] Fetching site.xml (1,8kB of 1,8kB at 0B/s) from http://dl-ssl.google.com/android/eclipse/
[INFO] Adding repository http://dl-ssl.google.com/android/eclipse
[INFO] Resolving dependencies of MavenProject: me.fixpoint.eared:me.fixpoint.eared.plugin:0.0.4-SNAPSHOT @ D:\Projects\eared\plugin\pom.xml
[INFO] Cannot complete the request. Generating details.
[INFO] Cannot complete the request. Generating details.
[INFO] {osgi.ws=win32, osgi.os=win32, osgi.arch=x86_64, org.eclipse.update.install.features=true}
[ERROR] Cannot resolve project dependencies:
[ERROR] Software being installed: me.fixpoint.eared 0.4.0
[ERROR] Missing requirement: me.fixpoint.eared 0.4.0 requires 'bundle com.android.ide.eclipse.adt 0.0.0' but it could not be found
[ERROR] Internal error: java.lang.RuntimeException: "No solution found because the problem is unsatisfiable.": ["Unable to satisfy dependency from me.fixpoint.eared 0.4.0 to bundle com.android.ide.eclipse.adt 0.0.0.", "No solution found because the problem is unsatisfiable."] -> [Help 1]
org.apache.maven.InternalErrorException: Internal error: java.lang.RuntimeException: "No solution found because the problem is unsatisfiable.": ["Unable to satisfy dependency from me.fixpoint.eared 0.4.0 to bundle com.android.ide.eclipse.adt 0.0.0.", "No solution found because the problem is unsatisfiable."]
[INFO] Adding repository http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1236385/adt
[INFO] Fetching content.jar (0B of 18,09kB at 0B/s) from http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1236385/adt/
[INFO] 1 operation remaining.
[INFO] Fetching content.jar (3,97kB of 18,09kB at 0B/s) from http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1236385/adt/
[INFO] Adding repository http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1236385/adt
[INFO] Fetching artifacts.jar (0B of 783B at 0B/s) from http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1236385/adt/
[INFO] 1 operation remaining.
[INFO] Fetching artifacts.jar (783B of 783B at 0B/s) from http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1236385/adt/
[INFO] Resolving dependencies of MavenProject: me.fixpoint.eared:me.fixpoint.eared.plugin:0.0.4-SNAPSHOT @ D:\Projects\eared\plugin\pom.xml
[INFO] Cannot complete the request. Generating details.
[INFO] Cannot complete the request. Generating details.
[INFO] {osgi.ws=win32, osgi.os=win32, osgi.arch=x86_64, org.eclipse.update.install.features=true}
[ERROR] Cannot resolve project dependencies:
[ERROR] Software being installed: me.fixpoint.eared 0.4.0
[ERROR] Missing requirement: me.fixpoint.eared 0.4.0 requires 'bundle com.android.ide.eclipse.adt 0.0.0' but it could not be found
[ERROR] Internal error: java.lang.RuntimeException: "No solution found because the problem is unsatisfiable.": ["Unable to satisfy dependency from me.fixpoint.eared 0.4.0 to bundle com.android.ide.eclipse.adt 0.0.0.", "No solution found because the problem is unsatisfiable."] -> [Help 1]
org.apache.maven.InternalErrorException: Internal error: java.lang.RuntimeException: "No solution found because the problem is unsatisfiable.": ["Unable to satisfy dependency from me.fixpoint.eared 0.4.0 to bundle com.android.ide.eclipse.adt 0.0.0.", "No solution found because the problem is unsatisfiable."]
以防萬一,here's link to the master POM。
並提示p2版本庫的未來問題:[Igor的p2瀏覽器](https://github.com/ifedorenko/p2-browser)是分析它們的好工具。 – oberlies