2012-12-28 80 views

模式和構造函數之間的「主要」區別是什麼?模式和構造函數之間的「主要」區別是什麼 - Haskell


With a constructor you can add a tag to your data, in such a way that it receives a type. 

Patters will be more used for matching data with a pattern, which isn't the case of a constructor. 
Patters can also be used for the destruction reasons. 

能否請您做你的問題更精確?我不確定你的目標是什麼,兩者是出於不同的目的,一個構造函數構造值,而模式被用來將價值分開(廣義而言)。 –




data Person = P String String Int 

-- constructor to build a value 
makePerson firstname lastname age = P firstname lastname age 

-- pattern to take a value apart 
fullName (P firstname lastname _) = firstname ++ " " + lastname 




爲了更加明確,我們考慮一下[]。它的簽名函子T_A X = 1 + A * X或者,在Haskell

type ListF a x = Maybe (a, x) 

具有明顯的Functor實例。我們可以看到,ListF - 代數與List載體都只是它的構造

-- general definition 
type Algebra f a = f a -> a 

consList :: Algebra (ListF a) [a] 
consList Nothing  = [] 
consList (Just (a, as)) = a:as 


type Coalgebra f a = a -> f a 

unconsList :: Coalgebra (ListF a) [a] 
unconsList []  = Nothing 
unconsList (a:as) = Just (a, as) 


headMay :: [a] -> Maybe a 
headMay = fmap fst . unconsList 

tailMay :: [a] -> Maybe a 
tailMay = fmap snd . unconsList 

這促成了一個私人寵物peeve約headtail甚至不是特別好的功能,忽視他們的偏好---他們只是在無限名單上有自己的簽名函子T A X = A*X

現在在Haskell函子的initial Algebra and final Coalgebra一致爲仿

newtype Fix f = Fix { unfix :: f (Fix f) } 

這是什麼樣的數據類型的定點。我們可以證明[a]同構Fix (ListF a)

fwd :: [a] -> Fix (ListF a) 
fwd []  = Fix Nothing 
fwd (a:as) = Fix (Just (a, fwd as)) 

bwd :: Fix (ListF a) -> [a] 
bwd (Fix Nothing)   = [] 
bwd (Fix (Just (a, fixed))) = a : bwd fixed 

這對使用的數據類型本身作爲兩個構造和模式提供了理由,但如果你創建其他種類的「餘代數樣」的東西,那麼你可以有一線例如由Shepattern combinators提供的類模式。


data Tree a = Leaf | Branch (Tree a) a (Tree a) 

其簽名函子T A X = 1 + X*A*X

type TreeF a x = Maybe (x,a,x) 