Module m = current
Object o = current
Filter f
load view "Standard view"
//column attribute Object Type
insert(column 3)
attribute(column 3, "Object Type")
width(column 3, 100)
f1 = attribute "Object Type" == "Requirement"
f2 = attribute "Object Type" == "Derived Requirement"
f3 = contains(attribute "Object Text", "(Testing) ", true)
for o in m do
f = (f1 || f2) && !(f3)
set f
filtering on
refresh current
ID| Module Information |Object Type
1 | (Teting) this is the incorrect format| Requirements
2 | (Testing) this is also correct format| Derived Requirements
| (Test) this is incorrect format |
3 | (Testing) this is the correct format | Requirements
| (Testing) this is the correct format |
4 | (Testing) this is the correct format | Requirements
| (Teting) this is incorrect format |
ID| Module Information |Object Type
1 | (Teting) this is the incorrect format| Requirements
ID| Module Information |Object Type
1 | (Teting) this is the incorrect format| Requirements
2 | (Testing) this is also correct format| Derived Requirements
| (Test) this is incorrect format |
4 | (Testing) this is the correct format | Requirements
| (Teting) this is incorrect format |
任何信息關於如何進行此操作將不勝感激 –