我正在通過實體數據模型連接和訪問的兩個表上寫入group by子句。我無法迭代匿名類型,有人可以幫我解決問題。在匿名類型上編寫分組
public string GetProductNameByProductId(int productId)
string prodName=string.Empty;
using (VODConnection vodObjectContext = new VODConnection())
var products = from bp in vodObjectContext.BFProducts
join bpf in vodObjectContext.BFProductMasters on bp.ProductMasterId equals bpf.ProductMasterId
where bp.ProductId == productId
group bp by new { ProductId = bp.ProductId, ProductName = bp.ProductName, ProductMasterName=bpf.ProductMasterName} into newInfo
select newInfo;
//Want to iterate over products or in fact need to get all the results. How can I do that? Want productmastername property to be set in prodName variable by iterating
return (prodName);
謝謝Jon。我是LINQ的新手,並且正在嘗試使用一些基本教程來做這些事情,所以一個糟糕的代碼。這個group.key非常有幫助。萬分感謝。 – 2011-04-18 13:46:17