我正在嘗試將最新版本的亞馬遜IAP API集成到我的Android 4+應用中。當應用程序被加載到我的測試設備(Nexus 5和Kindle Fire)並與亞馬遜應用程序測試儀一起使用時,一切似乎都可以正常工作。 IAP可以在沒有任何問題的情況下購買。亞馬遜IAP SDK:在實時應用測試中測試IAP時沒有反應
D/PTLog (14109): IAPManager - init - using Amazon
D/d (14109): In App Purchasing SDK - Sandbox Mode: PurchasingListener registered: [email protected]
D/d (14109): In App Purchasing SDK - Sandbox Mode: PurchasingListener Context: xyz
D/c (14109): In App Purchasing SDK - Sandbox Mode: sendPurchaseUpdatesRequest/sendGetUserData first:GET_USER_ID_FOR_PURCHASE_UPDATES_PREFIX:1:fca787d5-4b9d-42e4-840f-ff28f3d13ac4
W/ContextImpl(14109): Implicit intents with startService are not safe: Intent { act=com.amazon.testclient.iap.appUserId flg=0x10000000 (has extras) } android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:494 com.amazon.device.iap.internal.a.c.a:87 com.amazon.device.iap.internal.a.c.a:150
D/c (14109): In App Purchasing SDK - Sandbox Mode: sendItemDataRequest
W/ContextImpl(14109): Implicit intents with startService are not safe: Intent { act=com.amazon.testclient.iap.itemData flg=0x10000000 (has extras) } android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:494 com.amazon.device.iap.internal.a.c.a:137 com.amazon.device.iap.internal.d.a:103
D/c (14109): In App Purchasing SDK - Sandbox Mode: handleResponse
I/c (14109): sendGetPurchaseUpdates with user idl3HL7XppEMhrOGDnur9-ulvqomrSg6qyODKmah76lJU=
I/c (14109): send PurchaseUpdates with user id:l3HL7XppEMhrOGDnur9-ulvqomrSg6qyODKmah76lJU=;reset flag:true, local cursor:null, parsed from old requestId:GET_USER_ID_FOR_PURCHASE_UPDATES_PREFIX:1:fca787d5-4b9d-42e4-840f-ff28f3d13ac4
W/ContextImpl(14109): Implicit intents with startService are not safe: Intent { act=com.amazon.testclient.iap.purchaseUpdates flg=0x10000000 (has extras) } android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:494 com.amazon.device.iap.internal.a.c.a:421 com.amazon.device.iap.internal.a.c.e:388
D/c (14109): In App Purchasing SDK - Sandbox Mode: handleResponse
D/PTLog (18032): IAPManager - init - using Amazon
D/Kiwi (18032): In App Purchasing SDK - Production Mode: d: PurchasingListener registered: [email protected]
D/Kiwi (18032): In App Purchasing SDK - Production Mode: d: PurchasingListener Context: [email protected]
D/Kiwi (18032): In App Purchasing SDK - Production Mode: a: sendGetPurchaseUpdates
D/Kiwi (18032): Kiwi: WARNING: Use of deprecated method detected.
E/Kiwi (18032): Kiwi: Kiwi subsystem is not fully initialized. Cannot process task.
D/Kiwi (18032): In App Purchasing SDK - Production Mode: a: sendGetProductDataRequest
D/Kiwi (18032): Kiwi: WARNING: Use of deprecated method detected.
E/Kiwi (18032): Kiwi: Kiwi subsystem is not fully initialized. Cannot process task.
"Kiwi: WARNING: Use of deprecated method detected."
這是一個已知的問題? 這怎麼解決?
可能會在這裏得到更快的幫助,http://forums.developer.amazon.com/forums/index.jspa – petey 2014-09-12 17:58:37
當然已經嘗試過,但到目前爲止我沒有得到任何答覆。其實亞馬遜論壇似乎不是一個獲得幫助的好地方。我也直接與亞馬遜聯繫,迄今沒有任何反饋。 – 2014-09-13 06:34:41
雖然論壇帖子大部分時間都是以「聯繫我們」爲主題的,但我也有積極的經驗。可能值得再試一次。 – petey 2014-09-15 13:54:11