2014-02-19 34 views


Sub CopyData() 
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False 
    Dim fileDia As fileDialog 
    Dim I As Integer 
    Dim done As Boolean 
    Dim strpathfile As String, filename As String 

    I = 1 
    done = False 

    Set fileDia = Application.fileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker) 
    With fileDia 
     .InitialFileName = "C:\Users\5004239346\Desktop\Subhaac\PD_BACKUP" 
     .AllowMultiSelect = True 
     .Title = "Navigate to and select required file." 
     If .Show = False Then 
      MsgBox "File not selected to import. Process Terminated" 
      Exit Sub 
     End If 
      Do While Not done 
      On Error Resume Next 
      strpathfile = .SelectedItems(I) 
      On Error GoTo 0 

      If strpathfile = "" Then 
       done = True 
       filename = Mid(strpathfile, InStrRev(strpathfile, "\") + 1, Len(strpathfile) - (InStrRev(strpathfile, "\") + 4)) 
      If Len(filename) > 31 Then filename = Left(filename, 26) 
      Transfer strpathfile, filename 
       strpathfile = "" 
       I = I + 1 
      End If 

    End With 

    Set fileDia = Nothing 
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True 

    End Sub 

    Sub Transfer(mySource As String, wsName As String) 

    Dim wbSource As Workbook 
    Dim wsDestin As Worksheet 
    Dim lrow As Long 

    Set wsDestin = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Add(, ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Count)) 'Add the worksheet at the end 
    On Error Resume Next 
    wsDestin.Name = wsName 'set the name 
    On Error GoTo 0 

    Application.DisplayAlerts = False 
    If InStr(wsDestin.Name, "Sheet") <> 0 Then wsDestin.Delete: Exit Sub 

    Workbooks.OpenText filename:=mySource, _ 
     Origin:=xlWindows, StartRow:=1, DataType:=xlDelimited, TextQualifier:= _ 
     xlDoubleQuote, ConsecutiveDelimiter:=False, Tab:=True, Semicolon:=False, _ 
     Comma:=False, Space:=False, Other:=False, FieldInfo:=Array(1, 1), _ 

    Set wbSource = ActiveWorkbook 

    With wsDestin 
     lrow = .Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row 
     wbSource.Sheets(1).UsedRange.Copy .Range("A" & lrow).Offset(1, 0) 
     wbSource.Close False 
    End With 
    Application.DisplayAlerts = True 

End Sub 




If fileDia.SelectedItems.Count > 50 then 
    ' User selected more than 50 files 



非常感謝您的幫助! :) – user3163920


當我們的程序處理大量的文件時,我的程序變得很瘋狂。有沒有辦法修改上面的代碼,只循環前50個文件? – user3163920