2017-02-15 102 views



不幸的是,我在執行主,進入「小精靈」的第一個字越來越StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: 0,和「自我」第二爲例。

public static boolean containedWordsCheck(String firstWord, String secondWord, int count) { 
//Default rule for setting to false if the size of the first word is larger than the second 
     if (firstWord.length() > secondWord.length()) 
      return false; 
     //Default rule for setting to true if both strings are empty 
     if (firstWord.isEmpty() && secondWord.isEmpty()) 
      return true; 
     if (firstWord.charAt(0) == secondWord.charAt(count)) 
        return containedWordsCheck(firstWord.substring(1, firstWord.length()), secondWord, 0); 
     else if (firstWord.charAt(0) != secondWord.charAt(count) && count + 1 < secondWord.length()) 
        return containedWordsCheck(firstWord, secondWord, count + 1); 
        return false; 



public static void main(String[] args) { 
    String firstWord = userWord.nextLine(); 
    String secondWord = userWord.nextLine(); 
    int position = 0; 
    if (containedWordsCheck(firstWord, secondWord, position)) 
     System.out.println("They are contained!"); 
     System.out.println("They are not contained"); 

什麼是拋出異常? – azurefrog


使用正則表達式來查找模式匹配。它會簡單得多 – user1211


請提供完整的功能以及如何清晰地調用它 – Sangharsh




public static boolean containedWordsCheck(String firstWord, String secondWord, int count) { 
//Default rule for setting to false if the size of the first word is larger than the second 
     if (firstWord.length() > secondWord.length() || count == secondWord.length()) 
      return false; 
     //Default rule for setting to true if both strings are empty 
     if (firstWord.isEmpty() && secondWord.isEmpty()) 
      return true; 
     if (firstWord.charAt(0) == secondWord.charAt(count)) 
        return containedWordsCheck(firstWord.substring(1, firstWord.length()), secondWord, 0); 
     else if (firstWord.charAt(0) != secondWord.charAt(count) && count + 1 < secondWord.length()) 
        return containedWordsCheck(firstWord, secondWord, count + 1); 
        return false; 

Th e錯誤表示您試圖對空字符串執行charAt。空字符串沒有索引0,因爲它是空的。只需添加一個檢查來停止字符串是否爲空:

public static boolean containedWordsCheck(String firstWord, String secondWord, int count) { 
    if (firstWord.length == 0) 
     return false; 
    //Default rule for setting to false if the size of the first word is larger than the second 
    if (firstWord.length() > secondWord.length()) 
     return false; 
    //Default rule for setting to true if both strings are empty 
    if (firstWord.isEmpty() && secondWord.isEmpty()) 
     return true; 
    if (firstWord.charAt(0) == secondWord.charAt(count)) 
       return containedWordsCheck(firstWord.substring(1, firstWord.length()), secondWord, 0); 
    else if (firstWord.charAt(0) != secondWord.charAt(count) && count + 1 < secondWord.length()) 
       return containedWordsCheck(firstWord, secondWord, count + 1); 
       return false; 

謝謝你的例外修復,不幸的是,似乎我的代碼不工作,雖然。 –