它的工作原理是鍵只有全部大寫,而值不是 - 不知道這是否是一個有效的假設,但如果它不是那麼如指出的事情會變得複雜和混亂。
(?x) # enable regex comment mode
(?<=[+-\/]) # start with one of the delimiters, but excluded from match
[A-Z]+ # match one or more uppercase (for the key)
= # match the equal sign
(?: # start non-capturing group
(?! # start negative lookahead, to prevent keys matching
[A-Z]+= # a key and equals (since in negative lookahead, this is what we exclude)
) # end the negative lookahead
[^=] # match a character that's not =
)+ # end non-capturing group, match one or more times, until...
(?=[+-\/]|$) # next char must be delimiter or end of line for match to succeed
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(?<=[+-\\/])[A-Z]+=(?:(?![A-Z]+=)[^=])+(?=[+-\\/]|$)");
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(?<=[+-\\/])([A-Z]+)=((?:(?![A-Z]+=)[^=])+(?=[+-\\/]|$))");
Matcher m = p.Matcher(InputText);
StringBuffer Result = new StringBuffer("");
while (m.find())
Result.append(m.Group() + "\n");
當你的數據值可以包含你的分隔符時,正則表達式會大大地使情況複雜化。你對數據是如何控制的? – 2010-06-15 17:13:23
不幸的是,這些數據來自我無法控制的許多不同來源。 – 2010-06-15 17:15:16
可能更容易找到你正在尋找的密鑰,而不是分離器?尋找'用戶','組'和'功能'並解析相應的結果? – AllenG 2010-06-15 17:18:48