2016-05-13 62 views

我目前正在努力讓chatbot應用程序與新的FB messenger API一起工作。我正在使用Python的Flask運行一個後端應用程序,該應用程序託管在heroku上。現在,我讓我的服務器以正常方式發送響應時遇到了一些問題。這是我寫來處理POST請求到應用程序的代碼:FB messenger API太多回復

import json 
import os 
import requests 

from flask import Flask, request 

app = Flask(__name__) 

FB_MESSAGES_ENDPOINT = "https://graph.facebook.com/v2.6/me/messages" 

count = 0 

@app.route('/', methods=["POST"]) 
def chatbot_response(): 
    global count 
    req_data = request.data 
    data = json.loads(req_data) 
    req_args = request.args 
    print "Data: ", data 
    sender_id = data["entry"][0]["messaging"][0]["sender"]["id"] 
    send_back_to_fb = { 
     "recipient": {"id": sender_id}, "message": { "text": "sending it back"+str(count)} 
    count += 1 
    print "Send back to fb: ", send_back_to_fb 

    params_input = {"access_token": FB_TOKEN, "recipient": sender_id} 

    headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'} 
    # the big change: use another library to send an HTTP request back to FB 
    fb_response = requests.post(FB_MESSAGES_ENDPOINT, headers=headers, params=params_input, data=json.dumps(send_back_to_fb)) 

    print "response status code: ", fb_response.status_code, " ", fb_response.text 
    # handle the response to the subrequest you made 
    if not fb_response.ok: 
     # log some useful info for yourself, for debugging 
     print 'jeepers. %s: %s' % (fb_response.status_code, fb_response.text) 

    print "whoa there buddy" 
    # always return 200 to Facebook's original POST request so they know you 
    # handled their request 
    return "Ok", 200 

if __name__ == '__main__': 


sending it back0 
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Data: {u'object': u'page', u'entry': [{u'time': 1463097986863, u'id': 267701720229635, u'messaging': [{u'sender': {u'id': 1022501574495987}, u'recipient': {u'id': 267701720229635}, u'message': {u'seq': 334, u'mid': u'mid.1463097986829:5267967865d8ca4230', u'text': u'alright break'}, u'timestamp': 1463097986837}]}]} 
2016-05-13T00:06:27.342096+00:00 app[web.1]: Send back to fb: {'recipient': {'id': 1022501574495987}, 'message': {'text': 'sending it back0'}} 
2016-05-13T00:06:28.034903+00:00 app[web.1]: response status code: 200 {"recipient_id":"1022501574495987","message_id":"mid.1463097987637:2dec6b0062f98e1832"} 
2016-05-13T00:06:28.034916+00:00 app[web.1]: whoa there buddy 
2016-05-13T00:06:28.087649+00:00 heroku[router]: at=info method=POST path="/" host=gentle-plateau-81579.herokuapp.com request_id=09b6fdf9-9d4a-4620-b522-f91682e20469 fwd="" dyno=web.1 connect=1ms service=703ms status=200 bytes=161 
2016-05-13T00:06:28.713916+00:00 app[web.1]: Data: {u'object': u'page', u'entry': [{u'time': 1463097988125, u'id': 267701720229635, u'messaging': [{u'sender': {u'id': 1022501574495987}, u'recipient': {u'id': 267701720229635}, u'delivery': {u'watermark': 1463097987675, u'seq': 336, u'mids': [u'mid.1463097987637:2dec6b0062f98e1832']}}]}]} 
2016-05-13T00:06:28.714027+00:00 app[web.1]: Send back to fb: {'recipient': {'id': 1022501574495987}, 'message': {'text': 'sending it back1'}} 
2016-05-13T00:06:29.321337+00:00 heroku[router]: at=info method=POST path="/" host=gentle-plateau-81579.herokuapp.com request_id=bebdf9ab-4bc5-416c-b7f0-1f5efd0b5351 fwd="" dyno=web.1 connect=1ms service=608ms status=200 bytes=161 




當您在FB開發人員控制檯中設置您的應用程序時,您可以在定義Messenger webhook時訂閱各種事件類型。



希望這會有所幫助 - 凸輪


這幫了很大的忙。謝謝! – MEric