2017-01-31 104 views

我寫了一個描述多項式對象的類。我收集併發送係數數組到系統中,並且用戶希望爲BUT計算多項式的值有一些神祕的原因,即只有java知道這個類繼續發送多項式的完全錯誤計算。我已經在這裏工作了3個小時,並且找不到解決這個這個詭計多端的問題。班級出了什麼問題?我已經包括了班級和實際班級。 這是順便把輸出的程序: 2 2 2 2(這些是我已經進入係數}您正在評估值:2.0 多項式的總和: 32.0未能計算表達式:正在計算錯誤的總和

2X^0 + 2X^1 + 2X^2 + 2X^3(正如你可以看到這是錯誤的答案的應該是30)

import javax.swing.JOptionPane; 

    public class copy1D{ 

     public static void main(String[]args) 

      String input; 
      int degree; 
      double number; 

      input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(" what is the degree of the polynomial?"); 
      degree = Integer.parseInt(input); 
      degree= degree+1; 
      int [] array = new int [degree]; 

      //creating array of coefficients 
      for (int i =0; i<=array.length-1; i++) 
       input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(" Enter coefficients:"); 
       array[i] = Integer.parseInt(input); 

      //Printing out the coefficients to ensure they are correct 
      for (int i =0; i<=array.length-1; i++) 
       System.out.print(array[i] + " "); 

      Class1D c1d = new Class1D(degree, array); 

      input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(" Enter the number for which to evaluate the expression:"); 
       number = Integer.parseInt(input); 
       System.out.println(" You are evaluating for a value of: " + number); 
       System.out.println(" The sum of the polynomial is:"); 

       for (int z=0; z <= array.length-1; z++) 
        if (z<array.length-1) 
        System.out.print(array[z] + "x^" + z + "+"); 
        if (z==array.length-1) 
        System.out.print(array[z] + "x^" + z); 



public class Class1D { 

private int degree; 
private int [] coefficient; 
private double evaluation=0; 

    public Class1D(int degree){ 
    this.degree =degree; 

    public Class1D(int degree, int[] a){ 

    this.degree =degree; 
    this.coefficient = a.clone(); 

     public int []getCoefficient() { 
      return coefficient; 

    public double Evaluathepolynomial(double value){ 
     for (int i =0; i<this.degree; i++) 
      this.evaluation= Math.pow(value,i) *this.coefficient[i]; 

      this.evaluation+= evaluation; 

     return evaluation; 


您需要一隻橡皮鴨 - 請參閱https://ericlippert.com/2014/03/05/how-to-debug-small-programs/ –


基於快速閱讀,您將覆蓋'this.evaluation' 。你可能意思是'雙重評估= Math.pow..' –


DUDE多數民衆贊成在那裏不好笑 – theredfox24



首先,一個簡單的例子 - 我的做法會(使用一切問題的人)是這個樣子:

public class Class1D { 

    private int degree; 
    private int [] coefficient; 
    // private double evaluation=0; (Remove this!) 

    public Class1D(int degree){ 
     this.degree =degree; 

    public Class1D(int degree, int[] a){ 

     this.degree =degree; 
     this.coefficient = a.clone(); 

    public int []getCoefficient() { 
     return coefficient; 

    public double Evaluathepolynomial(double value){ 

     // This will be the output: 
     double total=0; 

     // For each degree.. 
     for (int i =0; i<this.degree; i++) 

      // The current one is.. 
      double evaluation = Math.pow(value,i) *this.coefficient[i]; 

      // Add it into the total: 
      // (same as total+=evaluation) 
      total = total + evaluation; 


     // We're done! Return that total: 
     return total; 




double a; 

// a is now 14. 



for (int i =0; i<this.degree; i++) 
    this.evaluation= Math.pow(value,i) *this.coefficient[i]; 
    this.evaluation+= evaluation; 


return evaluation; 

首先,請記住,所有它做的是重複循環一遍又一遍裏面的那些行 - 但是你指定多次。因此,對於容易可視化,讓我們說「度」是3和環路 - 只是意味着複製行,並移除循環:

// i=0 
this.evaluation= Math.pow(value,0) *this.coefficient[0]; 
this.evaluation+= evaluation; 

// i=1 
this.evaluation= Math.pow(value,1) *this.coefficient[1]; 
this.evaluation+= evaluation; 

// i=2 
this.evaluation= Math.pow(value,2) *this.coefficient[2]; 
this.evaluation+= evaluation; 


希望它開始變得更清晰 - 循環的每個迭代完全覆蓋了前一個的結果。讓我們進一步簡化它:

// i=0 
evaluation=2; // It's 2 
evaluation+=evaluation; // 2+2; it's now 4 

// i=1 
evaluation=10; // It's 10. It's now like that 4 never even happened! 
evaluation+=evaluation; // 10+10; it's now 20 


this.evaluation= Math.pow(2,3) *2; // 16 
this.evaluation+= evaluation; // evaluation = 16+16 = 32 


a=0; // a is now 0 

a+=b; // a is now 14 

a+=b; // a is now 34 


a+=14; // a is now 14 

a+=20; // a is now 34 


total += Math.pow(value,i) *this.coefficient[i]; 




非常感謝Luke花時間以這種方式解釋所有事情。所以你很好而且有才華?......以及你必須是什麼樣的人......無論如何,在花費數小時試圖找到問題後,我一定再也不會犯這個錯誤了!我會嘗試你的調試方法,儘管它當我在圖書館時不是最好的主意。祝你有個愉快的周 – theredfox24


@ theredfox24哈哈非常感謝!我很謙虛:)沒有問題 - 我很高興它對你有意義;也有一個偉大的一週! –


這是我固定的問題:我開始打印出來每次循環執行後的值,我意識到計算正在正確執行。但是不正確的部分是評估+ =評估;它沒有按照我想象的方式工作會或應該。無論如何...所以我創建了一個名爲private double sum的新實例字段,而不是寫評估+ =評估我使用了this.sum + = evaluation; 請參閱下面的代碼: 這也是新的OUTPUT。請看到它顯示正確的總和此時:

2 2 2 2(已輸入的係數) 您正在評估值:(對於該多項式正被評估的值)2.0

2.0 4.0 8.0 16.0 16.0 (忽略上面剛剛調試值而我試圖解決的問題) 多項式的總和爲: 30.0(這是正確的總和) 2X^0 + 2×^ 1 + 2x^2 + 2x^3(這是通過這種方式評估x = 2的多項式)

import javax.swing.JOptionPane; 

public class copy1D{ 

    public static void main(String[]args) 

     String input; 
     int degree; 
     double number; 

     input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(" what is the degree of the polynomial?"); 
     degree = Integer.parseInt(input); 
     degree= degree+1; 
     int [] array = new int [degree]; 

     //creating array of coefficients 
     for (int i =0; i<=array.length-1; i++) 
      input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(" Enter coefficients:"); 
      array[i] = Integer.parseInt(input); 

     //Printing out the coefficients to ensure they are correct 
     for (int i =0; i<=array.length-1; i++) 
      System.out.print(array[i] + " "); 

     Class1D c1d = new Class1D(degree, array); 

     input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(" Enter the number for which to evaluate the expression:"); 
      number = Integer.parseInt(input); 
      System.out.println(" You are evaluating for a value of: " + number); 
      System.out.println(" The sum of the polynomial is:"); 

      for (int z=0; z <= array.length-1; z++) 
       if (z<array.length-1) 
       System.out.print(array[z] + "x^" + z + "+"); 
       if (z==array.length-1) 
       System.out.print(array[z] + "x^" + z); 



    public Class1D(int degree){ 
    this.degree =degree; 

    public Class1D(int degree, int[] a){ 

    this.degree =degree; 
    this.coefficient = a.clone(); 

     public int []getCoefficient() { 
      return coefficient; 


    public void Evaluathepolynomial(double value){ 
     this.value =value; 

     for (int i =0; i<this.degree; i++) 
      evaluation= Math.pow(this.value,i) *this.coefficient[i]; 
      this.sum+= evaluation; 

     public double getEvaluation() 
      return sum; 
