trigger updatecontactrolecount on Opportunity(before insert, before update) {
Boolean isPrimary;
Integer iCount;
Map < String, Opportunity > oppty_con = new Map < String, Opportunity >(); //check if the contact role is needed and add it to the oppty_con map
for (Integer i = 0; i < Trigger.new.size(); i++) {
isPrimary = False;
for (List <OpportunityContactRole> oppcntctrle: [select OpportunityId from OpportunityContactRole where(OpportunityContactRole.IsPrimary = True and OpportunityContactRole.OpportunityId in : oppty_con.keySet())]) {
if (oppcntctrle.Size() > 0) {
isPrimary = True;
iCount = 0;
for (List <OpportunityContactRole> oppcntctrle2: [select OpportunityId from OpportunityContactRole where(OpportunityContactRole.OpportunityId in : oppty_con.keySet())]) //Query for Contact Roles
if (oppcntctrle2.Size() > 0) {
iCount = oppcntctrle2.Size();
for (Opportunity Oppty: system.trigger.new) //Check if roles exist in the map or contact role isn't required
Oppty.Number_of_Contacts_Roles_Assigned__c = iCount;
Oppty.Primary_Contact_Assigned__c = isPrimary;
這很簡單,只需將地圖傳入您的課程 – EricSSH
您可以在課程中創建一個靜態方法,並將'Trigger.new'地圖傳遞給該課程。你可以用'Trigger.isInsert'和'Trigger.isBefore'上下文變量做同樣的事情,但你也可以在觸發器中檢查觸發的DML類型,然後從處理器類中調用適當的靜態方法。 還有一個小費。您可以使用Trigger.newMap上下文變量,而不是遍歷整個觸發器上下文並創建自己的映射。 Google針對APEX中的「觸發器上下文變量」獲取更多信息。 – pawelhajduk
爲單個SObject類型創建只有一個觸發器也是一個好習慣,並且在此觸發器中僅從處理程序類中調用適當的方法。這樣您可以更好地控制觸發器執行順序,並且可以檢查其他條件。 – pawelhajduk