2015-05-17 62 views


public class FeaturedIsh extends Fragment { 
     ListView listview; 

     String title[] ={"Quote of the week","Devotional","News","Events"}; 
     Integer titleImage[] = {R.drawable.user,R.drawable.user,R.drawable.user,R.drawable.user}; 
     String content[] = {"The more you do, the more you are able to do, the less you do, the less you are able to do","Today's topic : Careful for nothing", "Bukola Babies won again","Two weddings this Saturday"}; 

     public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { 
      String title[] = {"Quote of the week","Devotional","News","Events"}; 
      Integer titleImage[] = {R.drawable.user,R.drawable.user,R.drawable.user,R.drawable.user}; 
      String content[] = {"The more you do, the more you are able to do, the less you do, the less you are able to do","Today's topic : Careful for nothing", "Bukola Babies won again","Two weddings this Saturday"}; 

      Log.d("yo", "onCreate worked"); 


     public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) { 
      View v = inflater.inflate(R.layout.featuredish, container, false); 
      listview = (ListView)v.findViewById(R.id.feat_list_view); 
      Log.d("yo","inflater true"); 
      FeaturedAdapterListNav Falnav = new FeaturedAdapterListNav(getActivity(), title, titleImage, content); 
      Log.d("yo","Adapter worked"); 
      Log.d("yo", "Adapter set"); 
      return v; 

Here is my adapter code 

package com.example.cozasocial; 

import android.app.Activity; 
import android.view.LayoutInflater; 
import android.view.View; 
import android.view.ViewGroup; 
import android.widget.ArrayAdapter; 
import android.widget.ImageView; 
import android.widget.TextView; 

import java.util.zip.Inflater; 

* Created by SamuelAgbede on 5/12/2015. 
public class FeaturedAdapterListNav extends ArrayAdapter<String> { 
    Activity context; 
    String[] title; 
    Integer[] titleImage; 
    String[] content; 

    public FeaturedAdapterListNav(Activity context, String[] title, Integer[] titleImage, String[] content) { 
     super(context, R.layout.featured_each_row); 

     this.context = context; 
     this.title = title; 
     this.titleImage = titleImage; 
     this.content = content; 


    public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { 

     LayoutInflater inflater = context.getLayoutInflater(); 
     View theView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.featured_each_row, null, true); 

     ImageView image = (ImageView) theView.findViewById(R.id.image_featured); 
     TextView contents = (TextView) theView.findViewById(R.id.content); 
     TextView headings = (TextView) theView.findViewById(R.id.heading); 

      return theView; 

也許嘗試投入的ViewGroup佈局比如一個framelayout或者relativelayout來包圍ListView(你說fragment xml only conta在列表視圖中)。 –


此外,發佈LogCat,如果發生錯誤 –


我懷疑問題是與您的適配器。 – tachyonflux



FeaturedAdapterListNav CALSS constuctor


super(context, R.layout.featured_each_row, title); 


super(context, R.layout.featured_each_row); 

謝謝,但做了之後,它顯示了這一點 - java.lang.RuntimeException:內容具有ID屬性'android.R.id.list',這不是一個ListView類 –


如果您正在擴展'ListActivity' | 'ListFragment'你必須設置你的'Listview'視圖id爲'androi.R.id.list' – Bharatesh


好吧。讓我檢查一下,謝謝 –