2012-06-28 105 views


sed -ne '/^<div class="results">/,/<\/body>/p' blah.html 


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<div class="rspec-report"> 

<div id="rspec-header"> 
    <div id="label"> 
    <h1>RSpec Code Examples</h1> 

    <div id="display-filters"> 
    <input id="passed_checkbox" name="passed_checkbox" type="checkbox" checked onchange="apply_filters()" value="1"> <label for="passed_checkbox">Passed</label> 
    <input id="failed_checkbox" name="failed_checkbox" type="checkbox" checked onchange="apply_filters()" value="2"> <label for="failed_checkbox">Failed</label> 
    <input id="pending_checkbox" name="pending_checkbox" type="checkbox" checked onchange="apply_filters()" value="3"> <label for="pending_checkbox">Pending</label> 

    <div id="summary"> 
    <p id="totals">&nbsp;</p> 
    <p id="duration">&nbsp;</p> 

<div class="results"> 
<div id="div_group_1" class="example_group passed"> 
    <dl style="margin-left: 0px;"> 
    <dt id="example_group_1" class="passed">Ark - Header (styles)</dt> 
<div id="div_group_2" class="example_group passed"> 
    <dl style="margin-left: 15px;"> 
    <dt id="example_group_2" class="passed">that we have hit a valid URL</dt> 
    <script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('14.2');</script> 
    <dd class="example passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should not return an invalid error message</span><span class='duration'>7.76052s</span></dd> 
<div id="div_group_3" class="example_group passed"> 
    <dl style="margin-left: 15px;"> 
    <dt id="example_group_3" class="passed">Ark Home Button</dt> 
    <script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('28.5');</script> 
    <dd class="example passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should exist</span><span class='duration'>2.22255s</span></dd> 
<div id="div_group_4" class="example_group passed"> 
    <dl style="margin-left: 15px;"> 
    <dt id="example_group_4" class="passed">Ark Sign in link</dt> 
    <script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('42.8');</script> 
    <dd class="example passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should exist</span><span class='duration'>1.68413s</span></dd> 
<div id="div_group_5" class="example_group passed"> 
    <dl style="margin-left: 15px;"> 
    <dt id="example_group_5" class="passed">Ark Home Button Style</dt> 
    <script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('57.1');</script> 
    <dd class="example passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should have accurate styling</span><span class='duration'>2.98297s</span></dd> 
<div id="div_group_6" class="example_group passed"> 
    <dl style="margin-left: 15px;"> 
    <dt id="example_group_6" class="passed">Ark SignIn Button Style</dt> 
    <script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('71.4');</script> 
    <dd class="example passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should have accurate styling</span><span class='duration'>3.77360s</span></dd> 
<div id="div_group_7" class="example_group passed"> 
    <dl style="margin-left: 15px;"> 
    <dt id="example_group_7" class="passed">Ark header Topbar Style</dt> 
    <script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('85.7');</script> 
    <dd class="example passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should have accurate styling</span><span class='duration'>2.78883s</span></dd> 
<div id="div_group_8" class="example_group passed"> 
    <dl style="margin-left: 15px;"> 
    <dt id="example_group_8" class="passed">Post Sign-In Style</dt> 
    <script type="text/javascript">moveProgressBar('100.0');</script> 
    <dd class="example passed"><span class="passed_spec_name">should have accurate styling</span><span class='duration'>17.62036s</span></dd> 
<script type="text/javascript">document.getElementById('duration').innerHTML = "Finished in <strong>38.83569 seconds</strong>";</script> 
<script type="text/javascript">document.getElementById('totals').innerHTML = "7 examples, 0 failures";</script> 

當我嘗試在Mac OSX上的終端相同的命令,它的工作原理沒有問題...


sed: 2: "/^<div class="results"> ...": undefined label 'ody>/p' 





謝謝!修好了!非常感激! – sambehera