2017-10-13 84 views

更新到0.14之後,我沒有更多的可以從CLI連接到鏈作曲家0.14 - 錯誤:當前標識尚未註冊:管理員

composer network ping -p hlfv1 -n basic-sample-network -i admin -s adminpw 

composer-rest-server -p hlfv1 -n basic-sample-network -i admin -s adminpw -N never 


Error: Error trying to ping. Error: Error trying to query business network. 
Error: chaincode error (status: 500, message: Error: The current identity has not been registered: admin) 

所有作曲家組件進行了更新到0.14,而試驗是按照基本-SA發mple網絡。有關此信息,npm test這個例子是完美的。




請確認您已經閱讀0.14.0版本說明,特別是「如何應對這一變化」部分: https://github.com/hyperledger/composer/releases/tag/v0.14.0


There are two ways for specifying the business network administrators on the command line: Note: This option is the one most users will want! When running composer network deploy and composer network start, in addition to the normal parameters you would use, you should also include -A admin -S to bind the admin identity as a network admin participant. If you don't do this, the identity you use to deploy the business network, usually PeerAdmin, will be bound into the business network as a business network administrator, and this is probably not what you want.


我確認我已閱讀發行說明,因爲我不能讓它與我如何開發,我用這是更新的0.14.0進行測試 – PPCM


基本採樣網絡回購請包括您用於「作曲家網絡部署」和「作曲家網絡開始」的命令。您是否包含發行說明中所述的'-A admin -S'?命令的輸出是什麼? –


要部署,我使用: 'composer network deploy -a dist/basic-sample-network.bna -p hlfv1 -i PeerAdmin -s randomString' – PPCM