<form name ="form" action="Report1.jsp" method="post" >
<%! int numPages = 0; %>
String columnName = "";
int count = 0;
int totalCols = 0;
int increment = 1;
int numRows = 0;
String startIndexString = request.getParameter("startIndex");
if(startIndexString == null) {
startIndexString = "1";
int startIndex = Integer.parseInt(startIndexString);
totalCols = 1;
<table border="1" width="84%" align="center" bgcolor=#66CCFF bordercolor=#000000 height="137">
<div id="container">
<td colspan="7" height="65">
<p align="center"><b>Customer Information Request Form</b></td>
<td colspan="2" height="33">
<p align="center">
<span style="font-size: 8pt; font-weight:700">CIR_ID</span></td>
<td height="33">
<span style="font-size: 8pt; font-weight:700">Bank Name</span></td>
<td height="33" width="26%">
<span style="font-size: 8pt; font-weight: 700">Request From</span></td>
<td height="33" width="18%" colspan="3">
<span style="font-weight: 700; font-size: 8pt">Created</span><span style="font-size: 8pt; font-weight: 700">
for(int j=1; j<=totalCols && rs.next(); j++) {
<tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF" onMouseOver="this.bgColor='gold';" onMouseOut="this.bgColor='#FFFFFF';">
<td width="3%"><span style="font-size: 8pt"><%=j=j+1%></span></td>
<td width="10%"><span style="font-size: 8pt">
<a href="cir_view.jsp?cir_id=<%=rs.getString("cir_id")%>" Title="View" onClick="return popup(this, 'Report')">
</span> </td>
<td width="39%" ><span style="font-size: 8pt"><%=rs.getString("institution_name")%></span></td>
<td width="26%" align="left"><span style="font-size: 8pt"><%=rs.getString("requester")%></span></td>
<td width="10%" align="left"><span style="font-size: 8pt">
<td width="3%" align="left"><a href="cir_delete.jsp?cir_id=<%=rs.getString("cir_id")%>" class="ask" onclick="target='_blank';">
<IMG SRC="12.png" ALT="Delete" BORDER="0" ></a></td>
<td width="3%" align="left"><a href="cir_update.jsp?cir_id=<%=rs.getString("cir_id")%>" onClick="return popup(this, 'Report')"><IMG SRC="28.png" ALT="Edit" BORDER="0"></a></td>
List list = new ArrayList();
for(int i=0 ; i<100 ; i++){
numRows = list.size();
out.println(" total no. of records : "+ numRows);
int numRecordsPerPage = 5;
out.println(" Num of Records per page : " + numRecordsPerPage + "\n");
numPages = numRows /numRecordsPerPage ;
int remain = numRows % numRecordsPerPage ;
if(remain != 0){
numPages = numPages +1 ;
out.println(" \n no. of pages : " + numPages);
if((startIndex + numRecordsPerPage) <= numRows) {
increment = startIndex + numRecordsPerPage ;
if (remain == 0){
increment = startIndex + numRecordsPerPage ;
increment = startIndex + remain;
for(count = startIndex; count < increment; count++) {
for(int i=1; i<=totalCols; i++) {
%><td><% out.println(list.get(count-1)); %></td><%
Displaying Records:
<% if(startIndex + numRecordsPerPage < numRows){%>
<%= " " + startIndex %> - <%= increment - 1 %>
<%= " " + startIndex %> - <%= numRows %>
<%if(startIndex != 1) {%>
<a href="Report1.jsp?startIndex=<%=startIndex-numRecordsPerPage%>">Previous</a>
<%increment += numRecordsPerPage ;%>
<%if(startIndex + numRecordsPerPage <= numRows){%>
<a href="Report1.jsp?startIndex=<%=startIndex+numRecordsPerPage %>">Next</a>
}catch(Exception exc){
} // end try-catch
<p> </p>
這是表格的標題。 我應該如何處理結果集? – maas 2010-08-04 06:57:27
我已將它更改爲3,並且僅顯示2條記錄。 如何糾正tmy代碼? – maas 2010-08-04 07:20:17
我建議在for之前編寫所有的分頁計算,然後用於(j = startIndex; j
2010-08-04 11:47:46