想象一下,使用條形圖每天僅以圖形形式發佈每日通勤者人數的網站。我想通過在將圖形保存爲圖像後讀取條形圖來確定數字(圖像內容在此不重要)。我想要讀取條形圖的方法是通過尋找一個像素號(#號通勤者軸)並提出問題:「像素是在」還是「關閉」? (On表示條存在並且off表示該猜測太高)注意:存在0的下界,並且在技術上是無限上界。但是,實際上,10000可能是現實的上限。另請注意,昨天沒有變化是一個頻繁發現。邊緣尋找二進制搜索
def EdgeFind(BlackOrWhite,oldtrial,high,low):
# BlackOrWhite is a 0 or 1 depending on if the bar is present or not. A 1 indicates that you are below or equal to the true number. A 0 indicates that you are above the true number
# the initial values for oldtrial, high, and low all equal yesterday's value
factorIncrease = 4#5
finished = 0
if BlackOrWhite == 1 and oldtrial==high:
newtrial = oldtrial+factorIncrease*(high-low)+1
high = newtrial
low = oldtrial
elif BlackOrWhite == 1 and high-oldtrial==1:
finished = 1
newtrial = oldtrial
elif BlackOrWhite == 1:
newtrial = oldtrial+(high-oldtrial)/2
low = oldtrial
if BlackOrWhite == 0 and oldtrial==low:
newtrial = (oldtrial)/2
high = oldtrial
low = newtrial
elif BlackOrWhite == 0 and oldtrial-low==1:
finished = 1
newtrial = oldtrial-1
elif BlackOrWhite == 0:
newtrial = oldtrial-(oldtrial-low+1)/2
high = oldtrial
if (oldtrial==1) and low!=1:
finished = 1
return finished,newtrial,high,low
問題是什麼?如果你想要檢查你的代碼 - 請在[CodeReview.SE](http://codereview.stackexchange.com/)上發佈。如果你的算法失敗 - 請提及它。其他,請直接說出它是什麼 – amit
我的問題是,什麼是最好的方式來找到我所說的邊緣?任何指導表示讚賞(我的代碼工作正常,但我不知道它是否是最有效的算法) – Mark