$route['pmsystem/viewmessage/(:num)'] = 'pmsystem/viewmessage/$1';
A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: Warning
Message: Missing argument 1 for Pmsystem::viewmessage()
Filename: controllers/pmsystem.php
Line Number: 76
// View A Message
function viewmessage($message_id)
//Config Defaults Start
$msgBoxMsgs = array();//msgType = dl, info, warn, note, msg
$cssPageAddons = '';//If you have extra CSS for this view append it here
$jsPageAddons = '<script src='.base_url().'../assets/js/cpanel/personalmessages.js></script><script src='.base_url().'assets/js/mylibs/jwysiwyg/jquery.wysiwyg.js></script>';//If you have extra JS for this view append it here
$metaAddons = '';//Sometimes there is a need for additional Meta Data such in the case of Facebook addon's
$siteTitle = '';//alter only if you need something other than the default for this view.
//Config Defaults Start
//examples of how to use the message box system (css not included).
//$msgBoxMsgs[] = array('msgType' => 'dl', 'theMsg' => 'This is a Blank Message Box...');
/**********************************************************Your Coding Logic Here, Start*/
// Checks to see if a session is active for user and shows corresponding view page
if (!$this->loggedin->chkLoginStatus() === FALSE)
if(! $this->uri->segment(3))
redirect('error', 'refresh');
redirect('login', 'refresh');
$bodyContent = 'viewpm';//which view file
$bodyType = "full";//type of template
/***********************************************************Your Coding Logic Here, End*/
//Double checks if any default variables have been changed, Start.
//If msgBoxMsgs array has anything in it, if so displays it in view, else does nothing.
if(count($msgBoxMsgs) !== 0)
$msgBoxes = $this->msgboxes->buildMsgBoxesOutput(array('display' => 'show', 'msgs' =>$msgBoxMsgs));
$msgBoxes = array('display' => 'none');
if($siteTitle == '')
$siteTitle = $this->metatags->SiteTitle(); //reads
//Double checks if any default variables have been changed, End.
$this->data['msgBoxes'] = $msgBoxes;
$this->data['cssPageAddons'] = $cssPageAddons;//if there is any additional CSS to add from above Variable this will send it to the view.
$this->data['jsPageAddons'] = $jsPageAddons;//if there is any addictional JS to add from the above variable this will send it to the view.
$this->data['metaAddons'] = $metaAddons;//if there is any addictional meta data to add from the above variable this will send it to the view.
$this->data['pageMetaTags'] = $this->metatags->MetaTags();//defaults can be changed via models/metatags.php
$this->data['siteTitle'] = $siteTitle;//defaults can be changed via models/metatags.php
$this->data['bodyType'] = $bodyType;
$this->data['bodyContent'] = $bodyContent;
$this->data['user_data'] = $this->users->getUserByUserId($this->session->userdata('user_id'));
$this->data['users'] = $this->loggedin->getUserList();
$this->data['personal_messages'] = array($this->pmmodel->getTotalMessages($this->session->userdata('user_id')), $this->pmmodel->getTotalUnreadMessages($this->session->userdata('user_id')), $this->pmmodel->getLast5Messages($this->session->userdata('user_id')));
$this->data['messages'] = array($this->pmmodel->getInboxMessages($this->session->userdata('user_id')), $this->pmmodel->getSentMessages($this->session->userdata('user_id')));
//$this->data['message_data'] = $this->pmmodel->getPmMessage($this->uri->segment(3));
$this->load->view('cpanel/index', $this->data);
// Checks to see if a session is active for user and shows corresponding view page
if (!$this->loggedin->chkLoginStatus() === FALSE)
if (!is_numeric($this->uri->segment(3)))
$this->data['message_data'] = 'Invalid message id!';
$this->data['message_data'] = $this->pmmodel->getPmMessage($this->uri->segment(3));
$bodyContent = 'viewpm';//which view file
redirect('login', 'refresh');
$bodyType = "full";//type of template
你的控制器是什麼樣的,特別是'viewmessage'函數?順便說一下,你的路線是多餘的 - 它不會改變什麼,你期望它做什麼,默認情況下還沒有完成? – 2012-03-12 20:28:11
我更新了我的代碼。感謝您的回覆。當沒有id集時,我希望它被重定向到錯誤控制器。 – 2012-03-12 20:30:48