2011-06-22 138 views



/* 插件名稱:股票行情 插件URI:達貢設計 版本:1.0.1 作者URI:http://www.dagondesign.com */

http://www.dagondesign.com/articles/stock-quotes-plugin-for-wordpress/ 說明:在您的網站 作者顯示股票行情

$ ddsq_version ='1.0.1';

//設置默認選項,如果不存在 add_option( 'ddsq_format', '%NAME%:%LAST%(%CHANGE%)'); add_option('ddsq_up_color','00BB00'); add_option('ddsq_down_color','FF0000'); add_option('ddsq_update_time','10');

功能ddsq_add_option_pages(){ 如果(function_exists( 'add_options_page')){ add_options_page( '股票行情', 'DDStockQuotes',8,FILE, 'ddsq_options_page'); }


global $ddsq_version; 

if (isset($_POST['set_defaults'])) { 
    echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p><strong>'; 

    update_option('ddsq_format', '<strong>%NAME%</strong> %LAST% [<strong>%CHANGE%</strong>]'); 
    update_option('ddsq_up_color', '00BB00'); 
    update_option('ddsq_down_color', 'FF0000'); 
    update_option('ddsq_update_time', '10'); 

    echo 'Default Options Loaded!'; 
    echo '</strong></p></div>'; 

} else if (isset($_POST['info_update'])) { 

    update_option('ddsq_format', (string) $_POST["ddsq_format"]); 
    update_option('ddsq_up_color', (string) $_POST["ddsq_up_color"]); 
    update_option('ddsq_down_color', (string) $_POST["ddsq_down_color"]); 
    update_option('ddsq_update_time', $_POST["ddsq_update_time"]); 

    echo 'Configuration Updated!'; 
    echo '</strong></p></div>'; 

} ?> 

<div class=wrap> 

<h2>Stock Quotes v<?php echo $ddsq_version; ?></h2> 

<p>For information and updates, please visit:<br /> 
<a href="http://www.dagondesign.com/articles/stock-quotes-plugin-for-wordpress/">http://www.dagondesign.com/articles/stock-quotes-plugin-for-wordpress/</a></p> 

<form method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]; ?>"> 
<input type="hidden" name="info_update" id="info_update" value="true" /> 

<p>There are two ways you can display quotes:</p> 
<p><strong>1) In a post or page</strong> 
<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 
[stock MSFT]</p> 
<p><strong>2) In a template file</strong> 
<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 
&lt;?php echo ddsq_get_quote('MSFT'); ?&gt;</p> 

<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="6" cellpadding="4"> 

<tr valign="top"><td width="13%"> 
    <strong>Output Format </strong> 
</td><td align="left"> 
    <input name="ddsq_format" type="text" size="100" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars(stripslashes(get_option('ddsq_format'))) ?>"/> 
    <br />Placeholders for data: <strong>%NAME% %LAST% %CHANGE%</strong> 

<tr valign="top"><td width="13%"> 
    <strong>Up Color </strong> 
</td><td align="left"> 
    <input name="ddsq_up_color" type="text" size="7" value="<?php echo get_option('ddsq_up_color') ?>"/> 
    Color to use for price change when up (leave blank to disable) 

<tr valign="top"><td width="13%"> 
    <strong>Down Color </strong> 
</td><td align="left"> 
    <input name="ddsq_down_color" type="text" size="7" value="<?php echo get_option('ddsq_down_color') ?>"/> 
    Color to use for price change when down (leave blank to disable) 

<tr valign="top"><td width="13%"> 
    <strong>Update Time </strong> 
</td><td align="left"> 
    <input name="ddsq_update_time" type="text" size="3" value="<?php echo get_option('ddsq_update_time') ?>"/> 
    Number of minutes to wait, before fetching updated stock prices 

<div class="submit"> 
    <input type="submit" name="set_defaults" value="<?php _e('Load Default Options'); ?> &raquo;" /> 
    <input type="submit" name="info_update" value="<?php _e('Update options'); ?> &raquo;" /> 



功能ddsq_get_quote($ SYMB){

$up_color = trim(get_option('ddsq_up_color')); 
$down_color = trim(get_option('ddsq_down_color')); 
$quote_format = stripslashes(get_option('ddsq_format')); 
$update_time = trim(get_option('ddsq_update_time')); 

$update_time = $update_time * 60; 
$t_out = ''; 
$time_diff = ''; 

// Trying to open local cached file first 
$file_path = WP_PLUGIN_DIR . "/" . $symb . ".txt"; 
if (file_exists($file_path)){ 
    $time_diff = date('U') - filemtime($file_path); 

$lf = @fopen($file_path, "r"); 
if (($lf == FALSE) || ($time_diff >= $update_time)) { 
    $url = "http://finance.yahoo.com/d/quotes.csv?s=" . $symb . "&f=sl1c1"; 
    $fp = @fopen($url, "r"); 
    if ($fp == FALSE) { 
     #$t_out = 'Error opening: ' . htmlspecialchars($url); 
    } else { 
     $array = @fgetcsv($fp , 4096 , ', '); 
     $sq_name = $array[0]; 
     $sq_last = $array[1]; 
     $sq_change = $array[2]; 

     $col = NULL; 
     if (($sq_change[0] == '-') && ($down_color != '')) { 
      $col = $down_color; 
     } else if (($sq_change[0] == '+') && ($up_color != '')) { 
      $col = $up_color; 

     if ($col !== NULL) { 
      $sq_change = '<span style="color: #' . $col . ';">' . $sq_change . '</span>'; 

     $t_out = $quote_format; 
     $t_out = str_replace('%NAME%', $sq_name, $t_out); 
     $t_out = str_replace('%LAST%', $sq_last, $t_out); 
     $t_out = str_replace('%CHANGE%', $sq_change, $t_out); 

     $cache_file = fopen($file_path, "w+"); 
     fwrite($cache_file, $t_out); 
} else { 
    $t_out = file_get_contents($file_path); 
    if ($t_out == FALSE){ 
     echo "ERROR opening cache file"; 

return $t_out; 



$results = array(); 

preg_match_all("/\[\s?stock\s?(.*)\s?\]/", $content, $results); 

$i = 0; 
foreach ($results[0] as $r) { 

    $content = str_replace($r, ddsq_get_quote($results[1][$i]), $content); 

return $content; 


的add_filter( 'the_content', 'ddsq_process'); add_action('admin_menu','ddsq_add_option_pages');



致命錯誤只是說「在線140」?真奇怪。 – BoltClock


那裏是否有'for' /'while'循環,因爲否則沒有理由在那裏有'break'。 – mhitza


是的,發佈所有的代碼將是有用的。你已經把它關掉了。 – BraedenP



據我可以看到沒有環路或控制結構(如switch),即在其自身內接受break;。我想,你有時在一個循環內調用這段代碼。在這種情況下,允許使用break;。但有時候並非如此。 break;if -block內沒有任何意義。檢查錯誤fopen


所以我應該評論休息; ?? –


「我想,你有時在一個循環內調用這個代碼,在這種情況下,break;是允許的。」 PHP真的可以讓你做到這一點? – phant0m


@ phant0m'include'? :) – mhitza



if ($fp === FALSE) 

除此之外,看看@ mhitza的評論。


我完全是新手這個插件是由我的開發。我只是試圖解決它之前,竊聽他:) –