2017-04-05 40 views

我不能再將我的應用程序推送到Bluemix。我正在使用Kitura應用程序的swift_buildback。無法使用swift_buildpack「將cf推入」Bluemix 2.0.5


cf push返回以下內容:

Downloading swift_buildpack... 
Downloaded swift_buildpack 
Creating container 
Successfully created container 
Downloading app package... 
Downloaded app package (46.5M) 
Downloading build artifacts cache... 
Downloaded build artifacts cache (43.9M) 
-----> Buildpack version 2.0.5 
-----> Default supported Swift version is 3.1 
-----> Configure for apt-get installs... 
-----> Writing profile script... 
-----> Copying deb files to installation folder... 
-----> No Aptfile found. 
-----> Getting swift-3.0.2 
-----> WARNING: Default supported Swift version: swift-3.1 
-----> WARNING: Requested Swift version for your app: swift-3.0.2 
     Cached swift-3.0.2 
-----> Unpacking swift-3.0.2.tar.gz 
-----> Getting clang-3.8.0 
     Cached clang-3.8.0 
-----> Unpacking clang-3.8.0.tar.xz 
-----> .ssh directory and config file not found. 
-----> Loading from cache: 
-----> - Packages 
-----> Fetching Swift packages and parsing Package.swift files... 
-----> Additional packages to download: libcurl4-openssl-dev openssl libssl-dev 
-----> libcurl4-openssl-dev is already installed. 
-----> openssl is already installed. 
-----> libssl-dev is already installed. 
-----> No additional packages to download. 
-----> Skipping installation of App Management (debug) 
-----> Installing system level dependencies... 
-----> Installing deb_files 
dpkg-deb: error: failed to read archive `deb_files': No such file or directory 
Failed to compile droplet 
Exit status 223 
Staging failed: Exited with status 223 
Destroying container 

Error restarting application: BuildpackCompileFailed 



爲了驗證您的應用程序的工作原理與以前版本的buildpack的,只需添加-b <buildpack name>標誌的cf push命令。

可用的buildpack的名稱可以通過運行cf buildpacks來獲得。在這種情況下,因爲你要老2.0.4版本buildpack,該命令將是這樣的: cf push <app_name> -b swift_buildpack_v2_0_4-20170125-2344

是負責管理Bluemix雨燕buildpack可以幫助解決他們的開放鬆弛隊這樣的問題的小組 - https://swift-at-ibm-slack.mybluemix.net


謝謝!我確實找到了'-b',但不知道如何獲取buildpack名稱。在您的幫助下,我現在可以確認2.0.4 buildpack的工作正常。這是新的2.0.5似乎被打破。我將使用您提供的鏈接來跟蹤此處的問題。再次感謝! – kontiki


看來2.0.5就好了。按照基督教的指示,我刪除了應用程序('cf delete '',然後'cf push'。它現在工作正常。看起來有一個緩存問題。 – kontiki


你有一些控制緩存;默認情況下, cf set-env myapp NODE_MODULES_CACHE false'會關閉它。Ref://console.ng.bluemix.net/docs/runtimes/nodejs/configurationOptions.html#cache_behavior – amadain