2017-08-30 68 views


我想這兩個值緯度:21.25335,經度:81.649445 我使用正則表達式這一點。我的正規表示「^ L([在])(:)([0-9])([^,] +)」

檢查此鏈接爲正則表達式和HTML文件 - http://regexr.com/3glde



import re 
pattern = re.compile("^[l]([a-t])([a-t])(\:) ([0-9])([^,]+)") 

for i, line in enumerate(open('C:\hile_text.html')): 
    for match in re.finditer(pattern, line): 
     print 'Found on line %s: %s' % (i+1, match.groups()) 


  • 實測值線3218:( 'A', 'T', ':', '2' '1.244791')
  • 實測值線3219:( 'N', 'G', ':', '8', '1.643486')

我想只有那些數值像21.25335輸出,81 .649445並且想要將這些值存儲在變量中,否則您可以爲此提供替代代碼。



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    lat: 21.25335, 
    lng: 81.649445, 
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    locId: 5897747, 
    geoId: 297595, 
    isAttraction: false, 
    isEatery: true, 
    isLodging: false, 
    isNeighborhood: false, 
    title: "Aman Age Roll & Chicken ", 
    homeIcon: true, 
    url: "/Restaurant_Review-g297595-d5897747-Reviews-Aman_Age_Roll_Chicken-Raipur_Raipur_District_Chhattisgarh.html", 
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    else if (window.attachEvent) { 
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    ta.store("mapsv2.show_sidebar", true); 
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    ta.store('mapsv2.typeahead_css', "https://static.tacdn.com/css2/maps_typeahead-v21940478230b.css"); 
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    ta.store('mapsv2.geoName', 'Raipur'); 
    ta.store('mapsv2.map_addressnotfound', "Address not found");  ta.store('mapsv2.map_addressnotfound3', "We couldn\'t find that location near {0}. Please try another search.");  ta.store('mapsv2.directions', "Directions from {0} to {1}");  ta.store('mapsv2.enter_dates', "Enter dates for best prices");  ta.store('mapsv2.best_prices', "Best prices for your stay");  ta.store('mapsv2.list_accom', "List of accommodations");  ta.store('mapsv2.list_hotels', "List of hotels");  ta.store('mapsv2.list_vrs', "List of holiday rentals");  ta.store('mapsv2.more_accom', "More accommodations");  ta.store('mapsv2.more_hotels', "More hotels");  ta.store('mapsv2.more_vrs', "More Holiday Homes");  ta.store('mapsv2.sold_out_on_1', "SOLD OUT on 1 site");  ta.store('mapsv2.sold_out_on_y', "SOLD OUT on 2 sites"); </script> 



你的正則表達式有點搞砸了。 ^l表示您試圖匹配'l',這是線條上的第一個字符。



Sequence: match all of the followings in order BeginOfLine Repeat WhiteSpaceCharacter one or more times CapturingGroup GroupNumber:1 Sequence: match all of the followings in order l AnyCharIn[ a n] AnyCharIn[ g t] CapturingGroup GroupNumber:2 Sequence: match all of the followings in order : Repeat WhiteSpaceCharacter one or more times CapturingGroup GroupNumber:3 Sequence: match all of the followings in order Repeat Digit one or more times . Repeat Digit one or more times


「(L [一個] [GT])(:\ S +)(\ d + \ \ d +)」 這種表達現在工作 –


大。你能否將我的答案標記爲已接受? – WombatPM
