2013-06-18 21 views



沒有針對所有C API XLM函數的詳盡官方文檔。然而,隨着documentation說以下有關C API XLM功能:

還有更多的功能由Excel中通過C API,當你正在開發XLLs是有用 暴露。它們對應於Excel工作表 函數和函數和命令都可以從XLM宏 表。」


// In the following block of code, the Generic drop-down menu is created. 
// Before creation, a check is made to determine if Generic already 
// exists. If not, it is added. If the menu needs to be added, memory is 
// allocated to hold the array of menu items. The g_rgMenu[] table is then 
// transferred into the newly created array. The array is passed as an 
// argument to xlfAddMenu to actually add the drop-down menu before the 
// help menu. As a last step the memory allocated for the array is 
// released. 
// This block uses TempStr12() and TempNum12(). Both create a temporary 
// XLOPER12. The XLOPER12 created by TempStr12() contains the string passed to 
// it. The XLOPER12 created by TempNum12() contains the number passed to it. 
// The Excel12f() function frees the allocated temporary memory. Both 
// functions are part of the framework library. 

Excel12f(xlfGetBar, &xTest, 3, TempInt12(10), TempStr12(L"Generic"), TempInt12(0)); 

if (xTest.xltype == xltypeErr) 
    hMenu = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE,sizeof(XLOPER12) * g_rgMenuCols * g_rgMenuRows); 
    px = pxMenu = (LPXLOPER12) GlobalLock(hMenu); 

    for (i=0; i < g_rgMenuRows; i++) 
     for (j=0; j < g_rgMenuCols; j++) 
      px->xltype = xltypeStr; 
      px->val.str = TempStr12(g_rgMenu[i][j])->val.str; 

    xMenu.xltype = xltypeMulti; 
    xMenu.val.array.lparray = pxMenu; 
    xMenu.val.array.rows = g_rgMenuRows; 
    xMenu.val.array.columns = g_rgMenuCols; 



據我最好的文檔(但不更新..)是下面的書籍:。用Excel財務應用C/C++中的插件開發,第2版史蒂夫道爾頓。你可以在Microsoft Excel XLL軟件開發工具包的chm文件中找到一些有用的信息,包括代碼示例(注意:我沒有在其中找到xlfAddMenu,所以我想它是一個折舊功能)。