How can I make my application check if Adobe flash player is installed on a PC?看到用戶是否安裝了Adobe Flash Player?
我需要確保用戶具有當該程序啓動Internet Explorer安裝最新版本的Flash播放器,沒有人知道我怎麼能檢查爲了這?
How can I make my application check if Adobe flash player is installed on a PC?看到用戶是否安裝了Adobe Flash Player?
我需要確保用戶具有當該程序啓動Internet Explorer安裝最新版本的Flash播放器,沒有人知道我怎麼能檢查爲了這?
var query = new ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT * FROM Win32_Product");
var res = from ManagementObject m in query.Get() where m.Properties["Name"].Value.ToString() == "Flash Player"; // I don't know the name of flash player installer
if (res.Count > 0) { ... }
var subKey = Registry.ClassesRoot.OpenSubKey(@"ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash\CurVer");
if (subKey != null)
var value = subKey.GetValue(null) as String;
// TODO: parse the number after the last period in the string.
你到目前爲止試過了什麼? http://www.google.com/#sclient=psy-ab&hl=en&site=&source=hp&q=c%23+check+if+program+is+installed&pbx=1&oq=c%23+check+if+program+is + installed&aq = f&aqi = g1&aql =&gs_sm = e&gs_upl = 2041l6863l0l6975l32l19l0l8l8l0l300l3484l0.13.5.1l25l0&bav = on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw。,cf.osb&fp = d6b7c50fe1987ca1&biw = 1366&bih = 655 – 2011-12-17 15:29:49
被問了很多次。請下次搜索http://stackoverflow.com/questions/908850/get-installed-applications-in-a-system – 2011-12-17 15:31:13