2017-04-26 71 views





SecRule ARGS attack "phase:2,id:12345,log,pass" 
SecRuleUpdateActionById 12345 "pass" 


說實話,嘈雜的日誌,是我不喜歡異常評分方法的主要原因之一 - 我更喜歡規則只會觸發如果他們的意思,所以我使用標準阻止模式,只是完全禁用這些嘈雜的規則他們經常給出誤報。


感謝您的提示。我認爲,不是「更新」默認規則,而是複製它,用新版本「覆蓋」它可能會更簡單。但是我不能用同一個id來定義一個新規則 - 好吧,看起來合乎邏輯。但即使我第一次執行SecRuleRemoveById,然後使用相同的id定義更新的規則,我仍然會得到「找到具有相同ID的另一個規則」 - 沒有那麼合乎邏輯的IMO。 – Rop


想想我會嘗試:舊規則SecRuleRemoveById 123456,然後添加新的,修改後的一個新的唯一ID,如:SecRule ...'id:9123456'---看起來mod安全不是最簡單的,這是我一直在使用的最精心設計的產品,當*'關閉某些規則的日誌記錄的這項簡單任務*變得如此複雜時...「 – Rop


我的修復似乎可行,但有一個例外---後續問題這裏:) ---- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/43663373/modsecurity-execution-phases-can-only-be-specified-by-chain-starter-rules – Rop



它適用於我的需求,但使用此自己的危險 - 這是一個開源的理由! :)


# Filename: suppress_logging.sh 

# From your mod-secure base_rules/ directory, do: mkdir -p ../tools/ 
# Put this script in that tools/ directory, and run it to turn off logging for specific rules (frequent false alerts) 
# For example, rule-id 123456 will be "overridden" with a new rule-id 9123456 that does exactly the same thing, but without logging anything (nolog). 
# For rules defined in a single line, use the function: suppressLoggingForSinglelineRule below. 
# For rules spanning over multiple lines (including chained-rules), use the function: suppressLoggingForMultilineRule below. 

# This script was developed and used for mod-security version: 2.1.9. 

cd ../base_rules/ 

cat /dev/null > z_logging_suppress.TMP 
cat /dev/null > z_logging_suppress_multiline.TMP 

function suppressLoggingForSinglelineRule(){ 
    echo Processing suppressLoggingForSinglelineRule $ruleId 
    echo SecRuleRemoveById $ruleId >> z_logging_suppress.TMP 
    cat modsecurity_*.conf | grep $ruleId >> z_logging_suppress.TMP 

function suppressLoggingForMultilineRule(){ 
    echo Processing suppressLoggingForMultilineRule $ruleId 
    echo SecRuleRemoveById $ruleId        >> z_logging_suppress_multiline.TMP 
    cat modsecurity_*.conf | grep -B"${before}" -A"${after}" $ruleId >> z_logging_suppress_multiline.TMP 

suppressLoggingForSinglelineRule 960032 
suppressLoggingForSinglelineRule 960034 
# ... here add your own annoying rule-ids from the log-files ... 
# ... 

suppressLoggingForMultilineRule 960010 0 2 # This means the rule spans 0 lines BEFORE the rule-id, and 2 lines AFTER, in the modsecurity_*.conf file, etc. 
suppressLoggingForMultilineRule 960011 3 16 # 
# ... here add your own annoying rule-ids from the log-files ... 
# ... 

# If the rule contains: ,block, 
# change it to: ,block,nolog, (this is true for most rules) 
# If the rule contains: ,log, 
# change it to ,nolog,   (a few rules) 
# BUT BEWARE -- there are a few rules in the modsecurity_* scripts that contains neither -- this won't work for those. 

cat z_logging_suppress.TMP   | sed '1,$s/,block,/,block,nolog,/' | sed '1,$s/ block,/ block,nolog,/' | sed '1,$s/,log,/,nolog,/' > z_logging_suppress.TMP2 
cat z_logging_suppress_multiline.TMP | sed '1,$s/,block,/,block,nolog,/' | sed '1,$s/ block,/ block,nolog,/' | sed '1,$s/,log,/,nolog,/' > z_logging_suppress_multiline.TMP2 

cat z_logging_suppress.TMP2   | sed '1,$s/,id:'"'"'/,id:'"'"'9/' | sed '1,$s/"id:'"'"'/"id:'"'"'9/' | sed '1,$s/ id:'"'"'/ id:'"'"'9/' > z_logging_suppress.conf 
cat z_logging_suppress_multiline.TMP2 | sed '1,$s/,id:'"'"'/,id:'"'"'9/' | sed '1,$s/"id:'"'"'/"id:'"'"'9/' | sed '1,$s/ id:'"'"'/ id:'"'"'9/' > z_logging_suppress_multiline.conf 

echo SANITY CHECK -- The following counts should give identical numbers: 
grep -c '^SecRule ' z_logging_suppress.conf 
grep -c ',nolog,' z_logging_suppress.conf 
if [ "$(grep -c '^SecRule ' z_logging_suppress.conf)" != "$(grep -c ',nolog,' z_logging_suppress.conf)" ]; then 
    echo ' *** WARNING -- Sanity check FAILED ***' 

echo SANITY CHECK -- The following counts should give identical numbers: 
grep -c '^SecRule ' z_logging_suppress_multiline.conf 
grep -c ',nolog,' z_logging_suppress_multiline.conf 
if [ "$(grep -c '^SecRule ' z_logging_suppress_multiline.conf)" != "$(grep -c ',nolog,' z_logging_suppress_multiline.conf)" ]; then 
    echo ' *** WARNING -- Sanity check FAILED ***' 

# You may comment-out the following line while debugging/maintaining this script, 
# so you can diff what the final sed-commands do. 
# Activate it when you are done, to remove the *.TMP* files: 
# rm *.TMP *.TMP2