2016-02-10 41 views


<svg width="800" height="600" viewBox="0 0 800 600" style="border: 1px solid blue;"> 
\t <path fill="#f00" stroke="none" d="M720 394.5c-27.98 0-51.61-6.96-71.97-18.72-29.64-17.1-52.36-44.37-71.48-75.12-28-45.01-48.31-97.48-71.39-136.52-20.03-33.88-42.14-57.64-73.16-57.64-31.1 0-53.24 23.88-73.31 57.89-23.04 39.05-43.34 91.45-71.31 136.39-19.28 30.98-42.21 58.41-72.2 75.45C195 387.72 171.62 394.5 144 394.5Z"/> 





以一個例子 - 讓說,我開始與視框像這樣的SVG:0 0 1600 1600

在該SVG中,有一條路徑佔用從1200,12001500,1400的區域。 (即,路徑是300×200)。

我希望能夠提取該路徑,並將其添加到視圖框爲0 0 300 200的新SVG。

要做到這一點,d屬性中的值需要相應修改 - 基本上向上移動了1200個點並向左移動。

顯然,絕對座標需要改變,但相對座標不會。 (這應該很容易)。









[Inkscape中] (http://inkscape.org)可以[凍結轉換](http://www.inkscapeforum.com/viewtopic.php?t=10205) – cxw


其他方法可能會更容易:將視圖框大小調整爲路徑。爲此,你可以看看:http://stackoverflow.com/q/16377186/1169798 – Sirko


@Sirko - 這是一個好主意,但是SVG中的其他所有*必須與該適配viewBox相關。我真正希望能夠做的是從另一個SVG(帶有一個任意的viewBox)開始,並使其適應新的SVG。所以 - 我真的需要能夠適應路徑,而不是viewBox。 – mattstuehler






(更新:代碼片段中的固定代碼,現在它也可以在Chrome和Safari中使用,不僅僅在Firefox中。看起來,某些ES6語言功能,例如「let」,「const」符號,在Firefox但至少他們中的一些作品沒有在Chrome或Safari工作。我沒有檢查Internet Explorer或歌劇或任何其他瀏覽器。)

// Retrieve the "d" attribute of the SVG path you wish to transform. 
var $svgRoot = $("svg"); 
var $path  = $svgRoot.find("path#moved"); 
var oldPathDStr = $path.attr("d"); 

// Calculate the transformation required. 
var obj = getTranslationAndScaling($svgRoot, $path); 
var pathTranslX = obj.pathTranslX; 
var pathTranslY = obj.pathTranslY; 
var scale  = obj.scale; 

// The path could be transformed at this point with a simple 
// "transform" attribute as shown here. 

// $path.attr("transform", `translate(${pathTranslX}, ${pathTranslY}), scale(${scale})`); 

// However, as described in your question you didn't want this. 
// Therefore, the code following this line mutates the actual svg path. 

// Calculate the path "d" attributes parameters. 
var newPathDStr = getTransformedPathDStr(oldPathDStr, pathTranslX, pathTranslY, scale); 

// Apply the new "d" attribute to the path, transforming it. 
$path.attr("d", newPathDStr); 

document.write("<p>Altered 'd' attribute of path:</p><p>" + newPathDStr + "</p>"); 

// This is the end of the main code. Below are the functions called. 



// Calculate the transformation, i.e. the translation and scaling, required 
// to get the path to fill the svg area. Note that this assumes uniform 
// scaling, a path that has no other transforms applied to it, and no 
// differences between the svg viewport and viewBox dimensions. 
function getTranslationAndScaling($svgRoot, $path) { 
    var svgWdth = $svgRoot.attr("width"); 
    var svgHght = $svgRoot.attr("height"); 

    var origPathBoundingBox = $path[0].getBBox(); 

    var origPathWdth = origPathBoundingBox.width ; 
    var origPathHght = origPathBoundingBox.height; 
    var origPathX = origPathBoundingBox.x  ; 
    var origPathY = origPathBoundingBox.y  ; 

    // how much bigger is the svg root element 
    // relative to the path in each dimension? 
    var scaleBasedOnWdth = svgWdth/origPathWdth; 
    var scaleBasedOnHght = svgHght/origPathHght; 

    // of the scaling factors determined in each dimension, 
    // use the smaller one; otherwise portions of the path 
    // will lie outside the viewport (correct term?) 
    var scale = Math.min(scaleBasedOnWdth, scaleBasedOnHght); 

    // calculate the bounding box parameters 
    // after the path has been scaled relative to the origin 
    // but before any subsequent translations have been applied 

    var scaledPathX = origPathX * scale; 
    var scaledPathY = origPathY * scale; 
    var scaledPathWdth = origPathWdth * scale; 
    var scaledPathHght = origPathHght * scale; 

    // calculate the centre points of the scaled but untranslated path 
    // as well as of the svg root element 

    var scaledPathCentreX = scaledPathX + (scaledPathWdth/2); 
    var scaledPathCentreY = scaledPathY + (scaledPathHght/2); 
    var svgRootCentreX = 0   + (svgWdth  /2); 
    var svgRootCentreY = 0   + (svgHght  /2); 

    // calculate translation required to centre the path 
    // on the svg root element 

    var pathTranslX = svgRootCentreX - scaledPathCentreX; 
    var pathTranslY = svgRootCentreY - scaledPathCentreY; 

    return {pathTranslX, pathTranslY, scale}; 
function getTransformedPathDStr(oldPathDStr, pathTranslX, pathTranslY, scale) { 

    // constants to help keep track of the types of SVG commands in the path 
    var BOTH_X_AND_Y = 1; 
    var JUST_X   = 2; 
    var JUST_Y   = 3; 
    var NONE   = 4; 
    var ELLIPTICAL_ARC = 5; 
    var ABSOLUTE  = 6; 
    var RELATIVE  = 7; 

    // two parallel arrays, with each element being one component of the 
    // "d" attribute of the SVG path, with one component being either 
    // an instruction (e.g. "M" for moveto, etc.) or numerical value 
    // for either an x or y coordinate 
    var oldPathDArr = getArrayOfPathDComponents(oldPathDStr); 
    var newPathDArr = []; 

    var commandParams, absOrRel, oldPathDComp, newPathDComp; 

    // element index 
    var idx = 0; 

    while (idx < oldPathDArr.length) { 
    var oldPathDComp = oldPathDArr[idx]; 
    if (/^[A-Za-z]$/.test(oldPathDComp)) { // component is a single letter, i.e. an svg path command 
     newPathDArr[idx] = oldPathDArr[idx]; 
     switch (oldPathDComp.toUpperCase()) { 
     case "A": // elliptical arc command...the most complicated one 
      commandParams = ELLIPTICAL_ARC; 
     case "H": // horizontal line; requires only an x-coordinate 
      commandParams = JUST_X; 
     case "V": // vertical line; requires only a y-coordinate 
      commandParams = JUST_Y; 
     case "Z": // close the path 
      commandParams = NONE; 
     default: // all other commands; all of them require both x and y coordinates 
      commandParams = BOTH_X_AND_Y; 
     absOrRel = ((oldPathDComp === oldPathDComp.toUpperCase()) ? ABSOLUTE : RELATIVE); 
     // lowercase commands are relative, uppercase are absolute 
     idx += 1; 
    } else { // if the component is not a letter, then it is a numeric value 
     var translX, translY; 
     if (absOrRel === ABSOLUTE) { // the translation is required for absolute commands... 
     translX = pathTranslX; 
     translY = pathTranslY; 
     } else if (absOrRel === RELATIVE) { // ...but not relative ones 
     translX = 0; 
     translY = 0; 
     switch (commandParams) { 
     // figure out which of the numeric values following an svg command 
     // are required, and then transform the numeric value(s) from the 
     // original path d-attribute and place it in the same location in the 
     // array that will eventually become the d-attribute for the new path 
     case BOTH_X_AND_Y: 
      newPathDArr[idx ] = Number(oldPathDArr[idx ]) * scale + translX; 
      newPathDArr[idx + 1] = Number(oldPathDArr[idx + 1]) * scale + translY; 
      idx += 2; 
     case JUST_X: 
      newPathDArr[idx ] = Number(oldPathDArr[idx ]) * scale + translX; 
      idx += 1; 
     case JUST_Y: 
      newPathDArr[idx ] = Number(oldPathDArr[idx ]) * scale + translY; 
      idx += 1; 
     case ELLIPTICAL_ARC: 
      // the elliptical arc has x and y values in the first and second as well as 
      // the 6th and 7th positions following the command; the intervening values 
      // are not affected by the transformation and so can simply be copied 
      newPathDArr[idx ] = Number(oldPathDArr[idx ]) * scale + translX; 
      newPathDArr[idx + 1] = Number(oldPathDArr[idx + 1]) * scale + translY; 
      newPathDArr[idx + 2] = Number(oldPathDArr[idx + 2])      ; 
      newPathDArr[idx + 3] = Number(oldPathDArr[idx + 3])      ; 
      newPathDArr[idx + 4] = Number(oldPathDArr[idx + 4])      ; 
      newPathDArr[idx + 5] = Number(oldPathDArr[idx + 5]) * scale + translX; 
      newPathDArr[idx + 6] = Number(oldPathDArr[idx + 6]) * scale + translY; 
      idx += 7; 
     case NONE: 
      throw new Error('numeric value should not follow the SVG Z/z command'); 
    return newPathDArr.join(" "); 

function getArrayOfPathDComponents(str) { 
    // assuming the string from the d-attribute of the path has all components 
    // separated by a single space, then create an array of components by 
    // simply splitting the string at those spaces 
    str = standardizePathDStrFormat(str); 
    return str.split(" "); 

function standardizePathDStrFormat(str) { 
    // The SVG standard is flexible with respect to how path d-strings are 
    // formatted but this makes parsing them more difficult. This function ensures 
    // that all SVG path d-string components (i.e. both commands and values) are 
    // separated by a single space. 
    return str 
    .replace(/,/g   , " " ) // replace each comma with a space 
    .replace(/-/g   , " -" ) // precede each minus sign with a space 
    .replace(/([A-Za-z])/g, " $1 ") // sandwich each letter between 2 spaces 
    .replace(/ /g  , " " ) // collapse repeated spaces to a single space 
    .replace(/ ([Ee]) /g , "$1" ) // remove flanking spaces around exponent symbols 
    .replace(/^ /g  , "" ) // trim any leading space 
    .replace(/ $/g  , "" ); // trim any tailing space 
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> 
<svg width="800" height="600" viewBox="0 0 800 600" style="border: 1px solid blue;"> 
\t <path id="notmoved" fill="#f00" stroke="none" d="M720 394.5c-27.98 0-51.61-6.96-71.97-18.72-29.64-17.1-52.36-44.37-71.48-75.12-28-45.01-48.31-97.48-71.39-136.52-20.03-33.88-42.14-57.64-73.16-57.64-31.1 0-53.24 23.88-73.31 57.89-23.04 39.05-43.34 91.45-71.31 136.39-19.28 30.98-42.21 58.41-72.2 75.45C195 387.72 171.62 394.5 144 394.5Z" opacity="0.5" /> 
\t <path id="moved" fill="#00f" stroke="none" d="M720 394.5c-27.98 0-51.61-6.96-71.97-18.72-29.64-17.1-52.36-44.37-71.48-75.12-28-45.01-48.31-97.48-71.39-136.52-20.03-33.88-42.14-57.64-73.16-57.64-31.1 0-53.24 23.88-73.31 57.89-23.04 39.05-43.34 91.45-71.31 136.39-19.28 30.98-42.21 58.41-72.2 75.45C195 387.72 171.62 394.5 144 394.5Z" opacity="0.5" /> 


如果您不需要縮放新路徑,那麼您只需應用transform即可將其移至正確的位置。如果它開始於(1200,1200),並且希望它在(0,0),然後進行變換"translate(-1200, -1200)"

<svg width="800" height="600" viewBox="0 0 800 600" style="border: 1px solid blue;"> 
    <path fill="#f00" stroke="none" transform="translate(-1200,-1200)" 
      d="M720 394.5c-27.98 0-51.61-6.96-71.97-18.72-29.64-17.1-52.36-44.37-71.48-75.12-28-45.01-48.31-97.48-71.39-136.52-20.03-33.88-42.14-57.64-73.16-57.64-31.1 0-53.24 23.88-73.31 57.89-23.04 39.05-43.34 91.45-71.31 136.39-19.28 30.98-42.21 58.41-72.2 75.45C195 387.72 171.62 394.5 144 394.5Z"/> 