2012-11-19 36 views

在Factory Pattern中使用IoC容器是不好的做法嗎?例如:在抽象工廠模式中使用IoC?

public interface IDialogService 
    void RegisterView<TView, TViewModel>(string viewName) 
     where TViewModel : IDialogViewModel 
     where TView : Window; 

    bool? ShowDialog(string viewName, IDialogViewModel viewModel); 
    // factory method: 
    TViewModel CreateDialogViewModel<TViewModel>(string name) where TViewModel : IDialogViewModel; 

public class DialogService : IDialogService 
    private readonly IUnityContainer _container; 
    public DialogService(IUnityContainer container) 
     _container = container; 

    #region IDialogService Members 

    public void RegisterView<TView, TViewModel>() 
     where TView : Window 
     where TViewModel : IDialogViewModel 
     RegisterView<TView, TViewModel>(""); 

    public void RegisterView<TView, TViewModel>(string viewName) 
     where TView : Window 
     where TViewModel : IDialogViewModel 
     if (!_container.IsRegistered<TViewModel>()) 

     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(viewName)) 
      viewName = typeof(TView).Name; 
     _container.RegisterType<Window, TView>(viewName); 

    public bool? ShowDialog(string viewName, IDialogViewModel viewModel) 
     var view = _container.Resolve<Window>(viewName); 
     view.DataContext = viewModel; 
     view.Owner = Application.Current.MainWindow; 
     return view.ShowDialog(); 
    // factory method: 
    public TViewModel CreateDialogViewModel<TViewModel>(string name) where TViewModel : IDialogViewModel 
     return _container.Resolve<TViewModel>(name); 




public class PeopleMainViewModel : NotificationObject, ... 
    private readonly IDialogService _dialogService = null; 
    public PeopleMainViewModel(IDialogService dialogService) 
     _dialogService = dialogService; 

    // this method executes by a command. 
    public void AddPerson() 
     // here is factory method usage. each time PersonDialogViewModel instantiates, a new Unit of work will be created. 
     var viewModel = _dialogService.CreateDialogViewModel<PersonDialogViewModel>(); 

     // this shows person dialog window to user... 
     var result = _dialogService.ShowDialog("PersonWindow", viewModel); 
     if(result == true) 



