import random
letters = "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q W E R T Z U I O P A S D F G H J K L Y X C V B N M q w e r t z u i o p a s d f g h j k l y x c v b n m : ; , . 0".split()
def checkNumb(string):
for i in string:
x = i.isdigit()
if x == True:
return True
def createPassword():
global letters
password = ""
i = 0
passLength = random.randint(7, 10)
while i < passLength:
passLetter = random.choice(letters)
password += passLetter
i += 1
x = checkNumb(password)
if x != True:
password = createPassword()
return password
print("What is the name of the service?")
service = input()
password = createPassword()
print(password, "will be your password for", service)
file = open("password.txt","a")
file.write(service + ": " + password)
不知道這是抄襲的代碼SO,但你的縮進關 - '而我<通過朗:'應該符合上面的線。 – asongtoruin
這個程序不會運行。你可以檢查縮進嗎?嚴重縮減的Python代碼是無稽之談。 – khelwood
當我修復while循環的縮進後,我有一個'password.txt',其中包含所需的文本... –